Transformation of the Day: Maya lost 44 pounds. In November, she re-dedicated herself to a healthy, active lifestyle. She lost the pounds by teaching herself about nutrition, finding workouts that work and taking full responsibility for her success. She was inspired by our transformation stories she found online, including the ones we feature daily. Check out […]
how to lose weight
Bri lost over 230 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Bri lost over 230 pounds. In her youth, she’d gotten use to being the “fat, funny kid” and was bullied in school due to her size. As she grew up and the stress in her life grew as well, emotional eating took over and she reached 450+ lbs. At the local health department, […]
Tayo lost 44 pounds
Tayo lost 20 kg (44 pounds). After years of trying to lose weight and feeling uncomfortable, she began a transformation in May 2015. Not only did she exercise and change her eating habits, but she changed her mindset and her attitude, which is key to success. Check out what she shared with us and a […]
Brandi lost 108 pounds
Brandi lost 108 pounds. This mom of 3 wanted to be able to keep up with all of her children’s activities and be a healthy example. She did the work, created a game plan for her eating habits and found a love for exercise. Check out her journey. I was a mother of 2 boys […]
Fatmah lost 22 pounds
Our Ugandan sista Fatmah lost 10kg (22 pounds). She was so sure of her size that she didn’t try on the clothing she bought while on holiday. When she got home and and nothing fit, that was the moment of truth. She says that making small, gradual changes to her eating habits and embracing weight […]
Jourdan lost 40 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jourdan lost 40 pounds. When she realized that the workers at her a local fast food restaurant thought of her as a daily regular, she knew that her eating habits were out of control. She learned to see food as fuel, committed to exercise and now she is sharing her journey with us. […]
Shaneice lost 42 pounds
Shaneice lost 42 pounds. She is a stay at home mom of 2 boys who keep her busy. After the birth of her second son, she felt like she’d let herself go and retired to wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts. She worked had to find the time to workout regularly and took the time to research nutrition […]
Taliah lost 93 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Taliah lost 93 pounds. She was stress eating and dealing with high blood pressure issues while serving in the Air Force. As her weight continued to fluctuate, she was diagnosed with PTSD. Eventually, she was taking 18 pills a day. She decided to reclaim her health. Check out her inspiring story. […]
Yvonne lost 91 pounds
Update April 2018: Yvonne wrote in to share with us that she lost another 12 pounds for a total of 135 pounds gone. As of today, I’ve lost another 12 pounds. It was hard and I struggled, however I got back on track with my journey and kept going. Update April 2017: Yvonne has lost […]
Amanda lost 68 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Amanda lost 68 pounds. Depression, anxiety and stomach problems led to emotional eating and lots of medication for this Canadian mom of 3 children who have autism. Seeking greater health and wellness, she decided to try plant based eating and an at home workout program. Her life has changed dramatically and now […]