Eat Clean for 21 Days and Lose to Win with our April DietBet Weight Loss Pool April 10-30! #BWLWApril The start of the summer season, June 21, is about 12 weeks away. That is plenty of time to make major progress. That could mean not being out of breath when you play outside with your kids. That could […]
how to lose weight
Riana lost 80 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Riana lost 80 pounds. Self love and self respect is what motivated her to start her journey. A friend suggested that she focus on eating the healthy foods she liked and that she try going low carb. One year later, the healthy habits she embraced have turned into a new lifestyle. Check […]
Kanisha lost 25 pounds
Kanisha lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks. This mom of two followed an online weight loss program and got great results. Eating 5 small meals a day, exercising regularly and changing her mindset was the perfect combination. She is just getting started. Hi, my name is Kanisha and I’ve lost 25 pounds. I lost the weight through […]
5 Ways You Can Eat More and Still Lose Weight
No matter what diet plan you’ve tried to follow, almost all of them will include deprivation at some point. Cutting an excessive amount of calories, and even entire food groups out of your diet, is not only incredibly difficult to stick to but it doesn’t always work for long-term weight loss. (Note: Many vegans, low carb […]
Melanie lost 228 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Melanie lost 228 pounds. This RN knew that she wanted to change. In 2015, she started her journey weighing over 400 pounds. She worked with a wellness coach and fell in love with meal prepping and exercise. Check out her story. My name is Melanie and I’m 33 years old. I’m orginally […]
Shakima lost more than 140 pounds
Update: Shakima has maintained her weight loss for more than a year. My weight loss journey was featured by BWLW a year ago. I am back with an new update on my progress, I’m currently working on tuning up my body because I have loose skin on certain areas of my body. I stopped weighing […]
Nelly lost 40 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Nelly lost 40 pounds. She connected with a holistic health practitioner who taught her how to detox and put her on a custom health transformation program. This Psychotherapist, Holistic Life Coach and Sexuality Educator has transformed mentally, emotionally and physically. Check out her journey. After struggling with being on an emotional roller […]
Keptah lost 64 pounds
Your goal HAS to be greater than your excuses. #keptahsfitnesschronicles #keepupwithkep #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlifting #weightwatchers #eatcleantraindirty #noexcuses #fbf A post shared by ( on Feb 16, 2018 at 4:39pm PST Update Dec 2017: “2017 was just the warm up. 2018 is MINE” A post shared by ( on Dec 26, 2017 at […]
Elida lost 55 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Elida lost 55 pounds. This mom of four and grandmother of three wanted to be there to see all of the major milestones and celebrations ahead for her family. She decided to have weight loss surgery in 2011 and has kept the weight off. She shared with us about her transformation. What […]
Melina lost 45 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Melina lost 45 pounds. After years and years of being overweight, she just reached the point were enough was enough. She went full speed ahead into her lifestyle change, committing to eating right and exercing. Today, she is a personal trainer and health coach in Montréal, CA. Check out how she did […]