Update: Qui wrote in to share what’s she’s been doing since she shared her story of losing over 100 pounds 4 years ago. She gained some of weight back, but after being diagnosed with PCOS she understood why she’d experienced rapid weight gain and what changes she needed to make to release the pounds. I was featured in […]
how I lost weight
Shawna has lost 30 pounds!
BWLW Facebook member Shawna has lost 30 pounds! She is determined to reach her weight loss goal! She says, ” I started my journey about a year ago…no surgery I just changed my eating habits letting go of the white and switched to whole wheats…i use to eat only once or twice a day now […]
Tiffany has lost 55 pounds
Let’s show Tiffany some BWLW love for sharing her 55 pound weight loss journey with us!! She says, “Exactly one year ago in September, I began my healthier living journey. My breaking point was a photo posted to Facebook by a friend. Was that really me?! I kindly asked the friend to remove the photo […]