Mom on a Mission: Janee lost 50 pounds. This proud mom and trained chef was facing multiple hospitalizations, sleep apnea and diabetes. She had to seriously consider whether her life would be cut short and how that would impact her daughter. She chose to pursue greater wellness and greater health. Check out what she did. My […]
Latoya lost 141 pounds
Update: Latoya has lost 7 more pounds for a total of 148 lbs. gone. People Magazine featured her in their 2017 Half Their Size Issue. She also has a new Instagram: @lyclcc Follow my new page @lyclcc @lyclcc @lyclcc …….#eatclean #Transformation #FatLoss #beforeandafter #NoExcuses #Bbg #Curves #WorkOut #FitFam #FitSpo #Fit #Gym #GymLife #Goals #CleanEating #EatClean #Motivation […]
Precious lost 30 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Precious has lost 30 pounds since August 2014. After a serious medical emergency, she accepted the wake up call and decided to get healthy and change her lifestyle. Her story is a reminder that we should not wait until a health issue knocks us down to change our habits and embrace […]
Overcoming Past Tragedy: Tiffany lost 41 pounds
Let’s share some Black Women Losing Weight love and positive energy with Tiffany who lost 41 pounds. She has overcome many life trials and tragedy including suicide, bipolar disorder, weight gain due to medication, and terrible abuse in her past. She is on a mission to lose weight, get healthy and live well. Here is what […]