We shared Ida’s amazing story back in 2013 and she wrote in this month to update us for her 3 year anniversary. She is living with HIV, raising her amazing son and her story has inspired us in so many ways. If you want to be inspired, keep reading…(she is dropping wisdom with these words) […]
Have you had these 6 Essential Health Tests?
As the old adage goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Routine checkups, like a regular pap smear and gynecological exam, with your doctor are important for maintaining your health and exposing health issues. These 6 health exams are particularly important for women to have, but many are a must for our […]
Inspirational Weight Loss Story: Ida lost 142 pounds
While facing a number of issues that many people would have found overwhelming, Ida lost 142 pounds with weight loss surgery. I think you will find inspiration in her words. She wants us all to know that WE can do anything! Here is HER STORY: “My name is Ida Henson Starks and I had weight […]