Transformation of the Day: Candace lost 71 pounds. This mom of four is determined to break the cycle of illness in her family and live a long healthy life. She embraced a low carb, high protein diet, worked with a trainer, and refused to let other people’s opinions sway her from her mission.
high protein
Chloe lost 71 pounds
Chloe lost 71 pounds. For exercise, she started walking at home on her treadmill and worked her way up to running. She also changed her eating habits, cycling between vegan meals and low carb, high protein meals.
Maria lost 118 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Maria lost 118 pounds. She changed her lifestyle and had duodenal switch surgery because she wants to be here for her son for as long as she can. Now, she can comfortably do things with her family, like going to amusement parks and bike riding.
Hilda lost 29 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Hilda lost 29 pounds by changing her eating habits. She struggled with her weight for many years, experiencing significant weight gain after having twins. In 2020, she reached out to a friend who was launching a weight loss program and found the nutritional guidance and support she was looking for.
Kristi lost 58 pounds
Kristi lost 58 pounds. This proud teacher and mother of two told us that her daughters are her inspiration. She found success by adopting a low carb, high protein diet, and committing to an effective workout routine.
Nerissa lost 116 pounds
Nerissa lost 116 pounds. Initially, she just wanted to be a healthier and more active mom. She had gastric sleeve surgery in 2019 and transformed her lifestyle. Now, she is on a mission to be her best self and inspire other women to do the same.
Jasemine lost 82 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jasemine lost 82 pounds. This Navy veteran found success by eating a low carb, high protein diet and working out five days a week. During this process, she has learned to love her body, stretch marks, cellulite, loose skin, and all.
Jessica lost 74 pounds
Jessica lost 74 pounds. She was embarrassed by her weight, and she developed high blood pressure and high cholesterol. In 2017, she adopted a low carb, high protein eating style, and committed to making fitness a top priority.
Caitlyn lost 70 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Caitlyn lost 70 pounds with low carb/high protein meals and a consistent exercise routine. She knew that she couldn’t give her all to help others if she didn’t prioritize her health and wellbeing. This Alpha Kappa Alpha soror not only lost the weight, but she’s kept it off for more than a year.
Gladys lost 48 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Gladys lost 48 pounds. She was plagued with health issues, like knee pain, high cholesterol, and being borderline for diabetes. By switching to a low carb, high protein eating style, and planning out her workouts, she is thriving.