Weight Loss Story of the Day: Dee lost 70 pounds. This proud mom was committed to not passing on unhealthy habits and to stopping the history of weight-related disease in her family line. She took action to reach her weight loss goals and now she’s a trainer. Here is what she shared with us… I was […]
5 Tips For Having Self-Control Over Your Eating Habits
What happens when food is more than food? What if food is your medicine or what helps you cope with life? Tantalizing meals and treats can take us on refreshing trips down memory lane or just away from reality. This can feel like a blessing or a curse. While food may comfort us in the moment, be […]
10 Habits That Make You Fat
Ever feel like you’re doing everything right – following a meal plan, recording every entry in your food diary, and exercising like a nut – only to step on the scale to learn that you’ve lost little to no weight? When this happens, old habits are usually to blame. You might not even realize that […]
Miami lost 75 pounds!!
Today we are celebrating BWLW online community member Miami’s 75 pound weight loss! She says, “I began my weight loss journey in November of 2011. After I had my baby I was in a horrible relationship and that caused me to think less of myself and eat. I ate to hide my feelings because I […]
Tiffany has lost 55 pounds
Let’s show Tiffany some BWLW love for sharing her 55 pound weight loss journey with us!! She says, “Exactly one year ago in September, I began my healthier living journey. My breaking point was a photo posted to Facebook by a friend. Was that really me?! I kindly asked the friend to remove the photo […]