Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Sarah lost 48 pounds. Along with exercise and eating right, she is a fan of green smoothies for weight loss. Here is what she shared with us: “I urge you ladies to heed the advice of consuming green smoothies. I ate at least one just about every day […]
green smoothies
Denna lost 78 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Denna lost 78 pounds and was motivated by her love for her children and wanting to be there for them. Here is what she shared with us about losing the weight: “Hi all, my name is Denna and I am currently on a fitness journey that I have […]
Nov Challenge 2013 Day 8 – Tips for Week 2
It is day 8 of our Holiday Slim Down Challenge for November. Don’t forget to check in on our online community and Facebook page to let us know how you are doing. I thought I’d provide some helpful tips to keep you going for week 2 of the challenge. Make sure that you take advantage of the free 4 week meal plans (with […]
Tonya lost 56 pounds
Check out Tonya’s weight loss story and show her some love. She lost 56 pounds with regular exercise, clean eating and drinking green smoothies. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey: “My name is Tonya and I’ve lost 56 pounds. My weight loss journey began in 2011, I was 230 pounds. I started […]
Belinda lost 65 pounds
Featured weight loss success story: Belinda lost 65 pounds. She embraced running, vegetarianism and juicing as part of her weight loss and health plan. Here is what she shared with us: “A few years before my before picture was taken, I visited my doctor for a regular check up and she said ” If you […]
The Benefits of Chia Seeds
Most of us know the Chia seeds from the holiday commercials about Chia pets, or maybe you have experimented with the Chia herb gardens. What more and more people are starting to realize is that the Chia seed can bring an enormous benefit to their lives as a part of their diet. Over the past […]
5 Benefits of Eating Dark, Leafy Greens
I love green smoothies and they wouldn’t truly be green without dark leafy greens. Boasting numerous health benefits, vitamins, minerals, and weight-loss properties, dark, leafy greens are among the healthiest foods you can eat. In fact, if you eat them regularly, you will improve your overall health and have less chance of developing certain diseases. […]
Farah lost 75 pounds
Today’s featured before and after weight loss story: Farah lost 75 pounds by changing her diet, embracing green smoothies and working out religiously. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey: Hello, I wanted to share my journey thus far. It’s long but I know it’s attainable. I reached my highest weight when […]
Britt lost 50 pounds
Update 10/5/13: Britt is now down 85 pounds. See the photo of her progress below. Let’s show some Black Women Losing Weight love to Britt on her 50 pound weight loss. She has dropped carbs, embraced clean eating and green smoothies and exercises regularly, such as taking Zumba classes. I have lost 50 pounds in […]
Day 18 – Three of My Favorite Green Smoothie Recipes
NEW E-BOOK! “Drink Green Smoothies” – I’m so excited to release my new smoothie book for BWLW’s January Challenge. A detailed guide to green smoothies and 80 great recipes you will love. Check out the details and download yours today! Just $7.99! It’s day 18 of our January Green Smoothie Challenge!! I want to share […]