If I could achieve this then guess what…. so can YOU!!! I entered the #250kchallenge last year because I was so tired of starting something and quitting, because I was embarrassed and was tired of being called fat, and also because I wanted to motivate and inspire others to choose a goal and to commit […]
292 lbs Gone: Vote for Veronica in the BeachBody Challenge
Update: We got an awesome update from BWLW Sista Veronica S. about her weight loss journey: “Hi! I’m excited to announce that I’m a finalist in the Beachbody Challenge. As a finalist I have the chance to win $100,000! I’ve lost more weight since my story was first published by BWLW and have lost in […]
Black Weblog Awards: We Won for Best Health or Wellness Blog
Thanks to all of YOU, our blog, BlackWeightLossSuccess.com, WON for “Best Health or Wellness Blog” last night at the 2013 Black Weblog Awards. We are humbled and blessed! Thanks again to everyone who voted for us. Shout out to my co-finalists Sailing Autistic Seas and Hurt2Healing Magazine. Check out these 2 wonderful blogs and show them some love! They […]