Today’s Featured Weight Loss Success Story comes from Yolanda who has lost over 45 pounds with Zumba!! She says, “My name is Yolanda & I started my weight loss journey in December. Since then I have lost over 45 lbs. Diet & excercise works together. I am now a licensed Zumba Instructor and I teach […]
Day 9 – New Workout Resources – BWLW October Challenge
HEYYYYYYY, BWLW LADIES! LOL! Sorry, I’ve been listening to the “Gangnam Style” song during my elliptical machine workouts. One of the best things you can do is put together a great playlist of music for your iPod or mp3 player that really motivates you to work out. Sometimes those songs will carry you when you […]
Monique has lost 123 pounds!
Today’s featured success story comes from Monique who has lost 123 pounds with the help of her supportive fitness family at the workout studio she lost the weight with. She says, “My highest weight was 346 pounds and I am 223 now… I’ve lost roughly 123 pounds…and counting. I got moving about 4 years ago […]
Mary is down from 173 to 147!
Today’s Weight Loss Success Story comes from Mary who has gone from 173 pounds to 147! She says, “The left side was taken on September 15, 2011 at a friends retirement party. The one on the right was taken at my 30th class reunion on September 15, 2012. In 2011 I was 173lbs. Today I […]
October Challenge – Meatless, Clean Eating, 5 hours of Exercise
Hey Ladies!!! It’s time for our October Challenge. We will begin on OCT 1, 2012 with 3 goals – Meatless, Clean Eating, 5 hours of exercise each WEEK. I hope you consider all of the goals, but ultimately it’s up to you what you chose to do. If you only want to do 2 out […]
Markia lost 60 pounds!
Today’s Featured Success Story: Check out Markia’s amazing transformation! She says, “My name is Markia and I’ve lost over 60 pounds already! NO DIETS- I change my lifestyle and the food in it! I’m more aware of things that my body can use and not food my tastebuds enjoy! I’m a mom and work full […]
Desire lost 125 pounds!
Let’s show some BWLW sistahood love to Desire. With Lap band surgery, exercise and eating right she has lost 125 pounds! She looks great! For more great before and afters, visit
Shawna has lost 30 pounds!
BWLW Facebook member Shawna has lost 30 pounds! She is determined to reach her weight loss goal! She says, ” I started my journey about a year ago…no surgery I just changed my eating habits letting go of the white and switched to whole wheats…i use to eat only once or twice a day now […]
Tiffany has lost 55 pounds
Let’s show Tiffany some BWLW love for sharing her 55 pound weight loss journey with us!! She says, “Exactly one year ago in September, I began my healthier living journey. My breaking point was a photo posted to Facebook by a friend. Was that really me?! I kindly asked the friend to remove the photo […]
Skye has lost 56 pounds
Online Community Member Kiluni Skye has transformed her health and her body and gone from 224 lbs to 179 pounds since June. She has posted a number of photos from her journey on She says, “I started my official weight loss journey on June 16, 2012 and at that time I weighed in at […]