Work days can sometimes be a challenge and often we don’t feel like exercising after a long day. However, there are some fun ways to get in some exercise while at work. Getting in some physical exercise can help you to feel energized throughout the day. Here are 6 tips: #1 Find the longest way […]
Lana lost 62 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Proud Alpha Kappa Alpha soror Lana lost 62 pounds with SmartLipo, Weight Watchers, exercise and changing her diet. Here is her story: “I have struggled with losing weight for about 8 years. I tried waking, working out and even Jenny Craig, Nutri- System, Atkins Diet to name a few. […]
Week 1 Check-in – April 2013 Challenge – Avoiding Processed Foods
Week 1 Check-in! – It’s Day 7 of our April Challenge and I’ve already heard a number of good check-in reports from ladies participating in the challenge. I want to hear about how your first week has gone. What has your experience been trying to avoid processed food and getting 5 days of cardio exercise […]
Janette Colantonio lost 243 pounds
Update Feb 2015: Update Nov 2013: Jeanette is now down more than 250 pounds!! April 2013 – Today’s Featured Success Story: I’m so excited to feature Janette Colantonio. She lost 243 pounds, down from 412 pounds, the old fashioned way. Eating right and exercise. Her story is AMAZING and I’m so proud of her. We featured […]
Patricia lost 100 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Patricia lost 100 pounds. She says that she used to live to eat and now she eats to live by keeping a food and exercise journal, choosing to clean up her diet (she is now Vegan) and exercise. Another Zumba lover! “For so many years I’ve struggled with my weight. […]
Cledra lost 75 pounds and transformed her life
Ladies, I want to bring you the weight loss journey of a very inspiring sista named Cledra. She overcame real tragedy and transformed her life. Now she is working to inspire others. “The work you do to support our community is PHENOMENAL! I recently completed a Half Marathon and if my story can serve […]
Updated: Princess lost 60 pounds
Today’s featured success story: Princess lost 60 pounds by eating clean and working out 5 days per week. Her story should give hope to women who are dealing with post-baby weight and weight that comes with dealing with the stress of life. Here is what she shared (check out the update below): “I haven’t attained […]
Tamika lost 147 pounds with weight loss surgery
Let’s show some love to Tamika who lost 147 pounds with weight loss surgery. She wrote us saying… “I’m Tamika I lost 147.8 pounds after having vertical sleeve gastrectomy. My surgery was Dec. 2011 and I was 348 pounds at the time. I am currently 200.2 pounds. I have found a new love for Zumba. I go […]
Angela lost 110 pounds with weight loss surgery
Let’s show some BWLW love to Angela who has lost 110 pounds with Gastric Sleeve weight loss surgery. She says: “I had Gastric Sleeve on Nov 18, 2011! My highest and last weigh in before surgery was exactly 260 lbs! I was a type II Diabetic as well! Since having the Gastric Sleeve and working […]
Chanelle lost 52 pounds
Today’s weight loss story: Chanelle lost 52 pounds by watching what she ate and exercising regularly. “Hi, my name is Chanelle. I’m a single mom of twin boys and a daughter. If u look at the old pics on my profile, you’ll see that I have gone from 260 pounds to 208 pounds By Myself! […]