Today’s featured weight loss success story: Candace lost 103 pounds over the course of a year with the help of a personal trainer. She was preparing to enter the U.S Army. We applaud her and wish her health and safety. “I lost 103 pounds to get accepted into the U.S. army. I’ve been eating right and exercising […]
Charin lost 48 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Charin lost 48 pounds. She says, “It has been a TRUE STRUGGLE but I lost 48lbs thus far. Still working but I want to loose another 30 pounds. It is a Life Style Change.” What is your weight loss motivation? My knees buckled when I was walking from the weight. […]
Michelle lost 75 pounds
Michelle lost 75 pounds by changing her eating habits and exercising. She looks great! She says, “Hi, I live in Indianapolis, In. I have recently loss 75 lbs. my goal is 100 lbs. I actually have changed my eating habits. I have cut out all fried foods, sweets, and pop. I work out at the […]
Update: Marsainah lost 64 pounds
Two Years Later – 2016 Update – Marsainah lost 10 more pounds for a total lost of 64 pounds. At 22, I was told that I was pre-diabetic and that my weight was a big contributor. The doctor gave me two options; lose the weight or get on medication. Since diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer […]
Stephanie lost 48 pounds
Update Dec 2015 – We shared Stephanie’s story (below) about 2 1/2 years ago and she has kept the weight off. I’m Stephanie M. and I was your April 15, 2013 story of the day. I just wanted to update you and let you know that I’ve maintained my weight loss. I’ve had a few ups and […]
Keisha lost 90 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Keisha lost 90 pounds by changing her eating habits, following the Daniel Fast with her church, exercising regularly and going Vegan. She gives God ALL the glory for her transformation. From 1/11 to 3/29/13, I lost my 90 pounds by fasting, praying and hanging what I ate. I also […]
Lequenta lost 81 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Lequenta lost 81 pounds by exercising and changing her eating habits. After I had a add an accident in 2012, after my 31st birthday, I was placed on blood pressure pills and some other medication to try to get me to heal. They put me on steroids which made me […]
Bethany lost 64 pounds
Let’s show some love to Bethany who has lost 64 pounds with the help of Weight Watches, portion control and regular exercise, including Zumba. “I’m still amazed at the change that losing 64 poundss has made in my life. I still have a way to go because I’m not done yet. Anyone who really […]
Dee lost 91 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Dee lost 90 pounds by running and changing her diet. She recently ran her first half marathon and has quit smoking. Here transformation below represents March 19, 2012 to March 19, 2013. “One year ago today, I began my fitness journey. I began to work out, then made changes to […]
Ramona lost 84 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Ramona lost 84 pounds and is working to let other women know that “Movement is Medicine”. Ramona M. Gaines 41 of Philadelphia PA Height 4’11” Beginning weight: 323 pounds Present weight: 239 pounds Dress size before losing weight: 26 Current dress size: 16-18 “It took me 11 months to reach […]