One of the most common myths surrounding women’s fitness has to do with weight lifting. It’s shocking how many people still claim that women either shouldn’t lift weights at all or should only do so if they want to bulk up (Bulking would be hard for most women to do without serious supplements due things […]
Garnetta lost 56 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Garnetta has lost 56 pounds since March 2014. She was determined not to reach 300 pounds so she changed her eating habits and started exercising on a regular basis. Here is what she shared with us about her journey so far… My name is Garnetta Sweet and I started my weight […]
8 Time Saving Workout Tips
One of the most common excuses you hear when it comes to not exercising is, “I just don’t have the time”. In reality, the average person has enough time to get some exercise during the week. In fact, the typical American spends around 3 hours a day in front of a television…so there is free […]
Mignon lost 76 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Mignon has lost 76 pounds since January 2014. This proud mom of 2 embraced regular exercise, started eating clean and counting calories to improve her health and lose the pounds. I went to the doctor in October 2013 and was told that I was borderline diabetic and on the verge […]
Vonda lost 86 pounds
Flashback Friday……. Seen where I came from and the weight wasn’t the issue it was my mindset how I saw myself, it’s heartbreaking to know at one point in my life I felt unworthy and useless……Now that I know better I will continue to do better putting me first, operate out of love and hold […]
Naajma lost 110 pounds with surgery and hard work
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Naajma lost 110 pounds! She had the gastric sleeve weight loss procedure, but she wants you to know that surgery is not a quick and easy fix. She’s had to work out hard and change her eating habits. Read more about her transformation… Hello, my name is Naajma. I’m a […]
Telisha lost 62 pounds
Update – March 2015: Telisha wrote in recently to let us know that she’s lost another 38 pounds for a total of 100 pounds gone! Hello, I am just writing to give you an update. I am still on my weight loss journey and I have lost a total of 100lbs and holding. I have […]
October Challenge Day 2 – Instagram Love and Posts with the Hashtag
Shout out to all of the ladies on Instagram who are posting photos for our Oct Photo Accountability Challenge! I’m so excited and inspired. I’m even posting my daily meals on Instagram. Here’s to keeping the love going on day #2! Folks like iworkupskinny, mrs_gillens, plump_diva, kaleascope, leadingladytracy, kekegreen, black_wonder_woman and b3yond_ordinary are sharing workout photos, […]
Tawanda lost 26 pounds and lots of inches
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Tawanda lost 26 pounds and lots of inches in 60 days. She is happy about how the beginning of her weight loss journey is taking shape. She changed her eating habits and did the Insanity workout plan with her husband. This busy mom of 3 shared her journey with […]
Lesson #3: Learning the Correct Portion Sizes
Lesson 1 |Lesson 2 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 Modified Daniel Fast Lesson #3: Today we will review how to create healthy portion sizes. If you overeat, it can not only affect your weight but also your health in general. If your meals are not balanced, iie. too much sugar, too little protein or a lack of vital nutrients, […]