Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Monique lost 52 pounds. This proud mom’s motivation is avoiding a long family history of illness. After 2 pregnancies, she knew that she couldn’t blame it all on baby weight and she committed herself to true lifestyle change. Now, she is running 5k races, lifting weights and eating much healthier. […]
July 2015 – July Jumpstart Workout Challenge
Our Goal for July is to Workout Regularly – Commit to working out 5-6 days a week for at least 30 min in a way that makes you sweat. We’ve got a brand new workout calendar for you below. Leave a comment and let us know that you’ll be joining us! For an extra boost, Join […]
Work Those Abs Workout
Time to WORK your abs. I’ve included videos of the moves below so that you can see proper form. I suggest 30 seconds rest between exercises…but rest more if you need to. Break up the moves as you need to. For example, if you can’t do 30 crunches in a row, do 3 sets of 10. Do […]
Arms and Cardio Circuit Workout
Time to WORK your arms and chest. I’ve included videos of the moves below so that you can see proper form. I’d suggest 30 to 45 seconds rest between exercises…but rest more if you need to. Break up the moves as you need to. For example, if you can’t do 12 pushups in a row, do […]
Sugar Withdrawal: How to identify it and deal with it
You might be surprised to know that sugar is addictive and your sweet tooth cravings could very well be withdrawal symptoms. According to a study featured in a Connecticut College press release, the theory that sugar is just as addictive as illicit drugs like cocaine could very well be true. Sugar has intense effects on […]
Danielle lost 61 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Danielle lost 61 pounds. This proud mom transformed her body with healthy eating and strength training. Now she is a trainer and a NPC Pro Figure Competitor. Here is what she shared with us about how she did it… What was your motivation? To be honest, I was a singe black […]
Thighs So Toned Workout
For this Thigh-focused workout we’ve put together some great moves to tone the thigh muscles. The size and shape of your thighs, as well as how your body releases weight in that area will be effected by genetics, but exercise can help you tone and tighten. I’ve included videos of the moves below so that you […]
Betina lost 124 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Betina lost 124 pounds. At 415 pounds, she broke free from an abusive marriage and changed her life. She was motivated by her love for her children. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey… Hello, my name is Benita and I use to weigh […]
Sharette lost 115 pounds
Update – One year later, Sharette is still going strong and still posting her daily workouts on Instagram. She’s lost 41 more pounds for a total of 115 pound released. Check out her update and the details of how she did it below. I wanted to give an update on my “Getting Healthy Lifestyle Journey”. I […]
Ebony lost 52 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Ebony lost 52 pounds over the course of a year. She was inspired by the weight loss success stories of others. With health eating, calorie counting and regular exercise she was able to change her lifestyle and lose the pounds. Here is what she shared with us about her […]