Weight Loss Story: Kristin lost 20 pounds with the 21 Day Fix program, bootcamp, portion control and cleaning up her eating habits. This mom of 3 is still on her journey, but she is sharing her progress to help inspire others. I wanted to share my story! I’m a busy mom of 3 and when I saw […]
Tiffany lost 110 pounds
Update May 2016 – Tiffany lost over 100 pounds and has maintained her weight loss long term. This month she appeared on the Dr. Oz show. “I just wanted to update you on my progress but first thank you for all of the incredible work you do! You’re dedication to sharing these transformations is amazing! […]
Alicia lost 42 pounds
Scrolling through my profile and I realized that I don’t have a lot of before/after pics 😕. Well this was back when I first started my weight loss in 2013 and I had lost about 35-40 lbs. Three years later and I am still here trucking on. Being successful in losing weight is all in […]
Whitney lost 52 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Whitney lost 52 pounds. Her success is a tribute to her father who passed away very young from stomach cancer. She’s worked hard to change her lifestyle and it shows. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey… I am 52.8lbs down as of right now. I started […]
Jessica lost 20 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Jessica lost 20 pounds between March and June by making fitness part of her lifestyle and changing her eating habits. Here is what she shared with us… My name is Jessica. I’m 5’3″ tall and I currently weight 169 pounds. When I started my fitness journey on March 10th, 2015 I weighed 189 pounds. […]
Shaunda lost 83 pounds with surgery
Update June 2016 – Shaunda lost 83 pounds with gastric sleeve weight loss surgery and lots of hard work. She’s kept the weight off for almost a year. We asked her to share the biggest lesson she’s learned since August. “The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to enjoy every step of your journey. I’ve learned […]
Move it Side to Side Workout Circuit
This workout is designed with moves that make you shift your weight and move your body side to side. I’ve included videos of the moves below so that you can see proper form. I suggest 20-30 seconds rest between exercises…but rest more if you need to. Break up the moves and modify the moves if you need to. For […]
Body Weight Burn Workout Circuit
This workout is designed to let you use your own bodyweight as resistance. I’ve included videos of the moves below so that you can see proper form. I suggest 30-45 seconds rest between exercises…but rest more if you need to. Break up the moves and modify the moves if you need to. For example, if you can’t do 10 […]
Natasha lost 25 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Let’s show some love to Natasha! She’s lost 25 pounds on her weight loss journey so far and is sharing her success with us. Her goal is to lose 60 pounds and bring down her cholesterol. I have lost over 25 lbs since last year and I am still working on my […]
Brooklynn lost 54 pounds
Update 2016: Shout out to Brooklynn! She is a proud Class of 2016 high school grad and she’s lost an additional 15 pounds for a total of 69 pounds gone. “I have actually lost an additional 15 pounds since my story was featured last year and I am still running regularly! I am signed up […]