Awesome Weight Loss Journey: Shyrita lost the pregnancy weight. This proud mom shed 21 pounds, but she is more fit and healthy now than she was pre-pregnancy. Once she could workout again, she committed to sharing her workouts with the world on Youtube as a form of accountability. Check out her story and her exercise videos. […]
Corlette lost 89 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Corlette lost 89 pounds. Wanting to avoid a family history of diabetes, she changed life by changing her eating habits and exercising regularly. Check out what she shared with us. My motivation for losing weight is my family’s history of diabetes. Also, watching my peers at their ideal weight has inspired me to lose […]
Dazmine lost 50 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Dazmine lost 50 pounds. This young lady has struggled with her weight since childhood. She faced fat shaming and being made fun of because of her weight from family and at school. She’s a proud mom who lost weight as a teen, but gained it back with the birth of […]
Update: Madelyn lost 54 pounds through the ups and downs
Update 2017: Madelyn lost 6 more pounds for a total of 60 pounds gone. Check out her recent before and after. I’ve definitely come a long way and I’m never turning back! #weightlossjourney #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #NoPainNoGain #Healthy #FitGirlMotivation #FitFam #iWorkout #NotAddictedImCommitted #fbf #GirlsWhoLift #fitgirlfollow #fitgirlvarsity #fitgirlsguide #60PoundsDown 💪💖 A post shared by Maddy (@fitgirlmadelyn) […]
Jennifer lost 60 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Jennifer lost 60.2 pounds. This young lady was battling with the pounds, depression and low self-esteem. She knew that she wanted to change her life and working out is a major part of her transformation. Check out what she shared with us about her journey… What was your motivation? What […]
Lindsey lost 34 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Lindsey lost 34 pounds. Her weight had been an issue since childhood. She used eating for comfort and ate to sooth her emotions, depression and boredom. Here is what she shared with us about the actions she took to change her life… Wouldn’t you know, around this time last year I was in […]
Ashley lost 63 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Ashley T. lost 63 pounds. After struggling with her weight since childhood, a wake up call at the doctor’s office motivated her to commit to healthy lifestyle change. She shared with us about the actions she took and how she fell in love with healthier living. I have always struggled with my […]
Tamara lost 105 pounds with surgery
She was suffering with her weight and high blood pressure. Her beloved aunt, who passed from diabetes complications, gave her the inspiration to start her journey.
Angel lost 150 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Angel lost 150 pounds. This proud mom of 4 was facing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was at risk for diabetes at 300+ pounds. Portion control, regular exercise and cutting out foods that were not benefiting her, allowed her to create true lifestyle change. Here is what she […]
BCassandra lost 56 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: BCassandra lost 56 pounds. She was motivated to lose the pounds brought on by stress and depression. This awesome life coach told us, “You see, who I am and what I believed about myself were not the same. I was disconnected from my true identity and suffered greatly for it. It […]