Transformation of the Day: Maquwetta lost 56 pounds. After suffering with 4 instances blood clots in her lungs, her doctor told her that losing weight could improve her health. This mom decided to embrace plant-based nutrition, yoga and walking to transform her life. Check out her story. My journey started because I suffered from blood […]
Jeanita lost 84 pounds
Jeanita lost 84 pounds. This busy mom of 4 no longer wanted to be the “fat mom”. She wanted to be comfortable in her skin and climb stairs without losing her breath. After her doctor put her high blood pressure medication, she knew that she had to make some changes. Check out her story. What […]
Glenda lost 99 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Glenda lost 99 pounds. This wife and mom of three was depressed about her weight gain. Feeling low after a wardrobe malfunction at work, she made a commitment to show up for herself everyday and be consistent. She lost the weight and has kept it off for 2 years. Check out the […]
Yolanda lost 163 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Yolanda lost 163 pounds. At 450 pounds, she was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension. She knew the impact that those illnesses could have after losing her mother who battled with kidney failure. Check out her transformation story. She shared the ups and downs of her journey, and how she figured out […]
Akosua lost 105 pounds
Tranformation of the Day: Akosua lost 105 pounds. Concerns about her failing health led her to have weight loss surgery. She also ate low carb, high protein meals and worked out regularly to get results. Check out what she shared with us. What was your motivation? My motivation was my failing health. I was pre-diabetic and my blood […]
Shaun lost 115 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shaun lost 115 pounds. This mom of 3 wanted to move faster, breathe better and be proud that she’s accomplished her goals. She did the work and found a passion for fitness. Now, she’s an indoor cycle instructor. Check out her journey. Being an active mom and wife was my motivation for weight loss. […]
Bebe lost 65 pounds
Update 2017: Shout out to Bebe. Her current weight is 216 pounds and she’s lost a total of 111 pounds. The way I’ve maintained my weight loss and continue to lose weight is by eating a low carb diet and working out 5-6 days out the week. I don’t eat rice, bread or pasta. If I […]
Monica lost 43 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Monica lost 43 pounds and transformed her body with healthy eating and exercise. This amazing mom of 2 is a restaurant owner, author, mom blogger and health coach. She figured out what worked for her and now she’s helping other moms to create healthy lifestyles. Check out her story. A bit of background: […]
Dr. Ebony lost 49 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Dr. Ebony lost 49 pounds. This Delta Sigma Theta soror had always been “the chubby one”. A desire to live a long, healthy life motivated her to change her “life trajectory”. Not only has she lost the weight and maintained her success for more than 9 years, she is helping others to do […]
Rotessa lost 55 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Rotessa lost 55 pounds. She didn’t recognize herself in an Easter photo and that was her wakeup call. Prayer, determination and other people’s success stories have inspired her to keep going. She figured out what eating and exercise habits work well for her. Check out her story. I started my weight loss journey […]