Transformation of the Day: Kenyatta lost 49 pounds. Intermittent fasting, walking and weight lifting worked for her. During her journey, this mom learned that mindset is just as important as exercise and eating right. Check out her story. I’m a 38 year old wife and mom of 3 girls. Being able to play around and […]
Shuronda lost 35 pounds
Shuronda lost 35 pounds. After the loss of both of her parents, she used eating as an outlet and that led to weight gain. A trainer at her job suggested that she workout with a weighted hula hoop and that has been a game changer for her. Check out her story. What was your motivation? […]
Johnicka lost 63 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Johnicka lost 63 pounds. Seeing a childhood friend get results with clean eating and exercise inspired this mom of 2 to take action. She learned that consistency is key and that she didn’t have to give up all of her favorite foods. Check out her journey. What was my motivation? My […]
Leslie lost 114 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Leslie lost 114 pounds. At the beginning of her journey, she found out that she was borderline diabetic and that was a real wakeup call. She found an affinity for exercising outside, changed her eating habits and worked with a health and wellness coach to refine her efforts. Check out her […]
Takasia lost 70 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Takasia lost 70 pounds. This mom refused to let depression and an unhealthy lifestyle stop her. By faith, she took control of her mind, transitioned to a Pescatarian style of eating and put in lots of time in the gym. Check out her journey. When did you start your weight loss […]
Tamara lost 29 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tamara lost 29 pounds in 3 months. She’s gone from a size 12 to a size 6. At 44 years old, she was diagnosed with fibromyaligia and anemia after suffering a number of symptoms, including headaches and poor sleep quality. By changing her diet and working out 30 minutes a day, […]
Felisha lost 67 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Felisha lost 67 pounds. This single mom of two gained 80 pounds with her second pregnancy. Depression and stress didn’t help her situation. She realized that she had to change her mindset and her lifestyle to be the healthy mom she wanted to be. Check out her story. I’m a single […]
Malika lost 70 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Malika lost 70 pounds. Becoming a Pescatarian, cutting carbs and making a commitment to workout has paid off. She learned that she has the power to change her life and that settling is not an option. Check out her journey. My name is Malika and I lost 70 pounds in less […]
Gwen lost 62 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Gwen lost 62 pounds. After being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, she took her meds, checked her blood sugar and went to doctors appointments for years. One day, she decided it was time to take control of her health through exercise and clean eating. Now, her diabetes is under control and […]
Rachel lost 20 pounds and several dress sizes
Transformation of the Day: Rachel lost 20 pounds and several dress sizes. She decided to restart her journey because her clothes didn’t fit anymore. Over the course of 4 and a half months, she used an online training program to change her eating and exercise habits. She learned that making yourself a priority is a […]