In our frenzied, time-crunched culture, health has gone by the wayside in favor of convenience, comfort and pleasure. For many of us, our relationships with food are dysfunctional, to say the least. We love to eat- perhaps too much- and hate the ramifications of our often less than stellar dietary decisions. It’s like finding yourself halfway […]
eating out
Aurielle lost 174 pounds
Wowsers!! #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #11yearslater #transformation A post shared by Aurielle, LMFT (@auburnangel13) on Dec 16, 2017 at 1:02pm PST Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Aurielle lost 174 pounds, going from a size 26 to a size 6 over the past year. This Delta Sigma Theta soror has lost half of her body weight […]
3 Strategies for Healthy Restaurant Dining
Let’s be honest: if we could, most of us would eat out every…single…night. Alas, our belts (and wallets!) stop us. Restaurant dishes are notorious for being high in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium. If you’ve ever looked at the nutritional information for your favorite restaurants online (and you should!) it can be pretty shocking. What […]
5 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight on Vacation
Oh, the summer. Many of us spend all winter either working out or fretting about how to get ready for the warm weather. We want to get fit before it’s time to expose more of our bodies than can be covered up with a winter parka. Hopefully everyone was successful with their cold weather […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #14: Eat Out Less
Tip #14 for our October Challenge is at the top of the list when it comes to losing weight on a budget…”Eat Out Less“!! That’s right, It’s another no brainer. Eating at restaurants is on average more expensive than preparing your own meals at home. You will save money not only on the cost of […]