Transformation of the Day: Angie lost 59 pounds. She didn’t want her diabetes to become serious to the point of amputation or where she would have to depend on others to take care of her needs. Success has come in the form of an online fitness and nutrition program that has provided the guidance and accountability […]
eating habits
Alisha lost 54 pounds
Weight Loss Journey: Alisha lost 54 pounds. A diagnosis of diabetes was the exactly the wake up call that she needed to begin changing her lifestyle. Since childhood, she struggled with her weight and now she’s embraced eating and exercise habits that have improved her health and wellbeing. She’s just getting started. Check out her […]
Jennifer lost 31 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Jennifer lost 31 pounds. She started her journey 5 months ago by making practical changes to her diet and working out hard. Mindset, consistency and willpower have been key factors to her success. Check out what she shared with us. Hi, my name is Jennifer H. and I started my lifestyle change on […]
Cecilia lost 84 pounds
Update: Shout out to Cecilia! She’s lost 112 pounds. 302 lbs to 190 lbs. #TBT #myfacetho #bodyunderconstruction #workoutsaremytherapy #naturalweightlossresults #weightlossvictories #mystory #110poundsgone #maintenance #Max4Life #weightlosstransformation #strikeapose #weightloss #healthier #locs #loveurself A post shared by cc_4bodyunderconstruction (@cc_4bodyunderconstruction) on Mar 9, 2017 at 11:14am PST Transformation of the Day: Cecilia lost 84 pounds. This busy mom of […]
Valencia lost 55 pounds
Update November 2016: Valencia wrote in to update us on her progress. Since my feature on your page I’ve lost 25 more pounds. That’s a total of 80 pounds. I’ve also added weight lifting into my workout plan! I still workout 4-6 days a week, along with eating healthy! Now, my main focus is to […]
Jonika lost 63 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jonika lost 63 pounds. This proud mom knew that her children would be influenced by her bad habits. She was also experiencing health issues and didn’t like what she saw starring back at her in the mirror. Determined to love her body again and live a healthy lifestyle, she took action. […]
Erin lost 50 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Erin lost 50 pounds. This dynamic young lady focused on academics instead of playing sports and it paid off with a scholarship. Unfortunately, the lack of physical activity led to weight gain over the years. In college, she made the decision to change her life and get healthy. She’s put in […]
Tiffany lost 141 pounds
Update Feb 2017: Tiffany is still going strong and has maintained her weight loss. She shared with how consistently making small, healthy lifesytle changes has been key to her success. I would say that now I focus less on losing weight and more on creating and maintaining lifestyle changes (which I would say is my greatest […]
Shateca lost 36 pounds
Update April 2018: Shout out to Shateca. Her current weight is 163 pounds, bringing her weight loss total to 48 pounds. We asked her to share how she’s continued to get such great results. How have you maintained your weight loss/continued to lose weight? I have maintained my weight loss by living a more healthy, active […]
Lavonia lost 45 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Lavonia lost 45 pounds. She knew from experience that quick fix fads don’t work and she was looking for something that could help her create a new, healthy lifestyle. Anxiety, depression, heart problems and sleeping problems did not stop her from releasing the weight. Check out what she shared with us about how […]