Certain things never change and how to effectively lose weight and keep it off is one of those areas of life. Here are the basics of weight loss that can work for almost anyone*. Eat Real Food If you can do nothing else but eat real food, you are more likely to begin to lose […]
drink water
Nov Challenge 2013 Day 8 – Tips for Week 2
It is day 8 of our Holiday Slim Down Challenge for November. Don’t forget to check in on our online community and Facebook page to let us know how you are doing. I thought I’d provide some helpful tips to keep you going for week 2 of the challenge. Make sure that you take advantage of the free 4 week meal plans (with […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #22: Skip Diet Foods, Drinks & Pre-packed “Healthy” Snacks
It’s day 22 of our October Challenge and we are focused on how we can save some money while losing the weight at the same time. Today’s Weight Loss on a Budget Tip: #22 – Skip Diet Foods and Pre-packed “Healthy” Snacks. That’s right! I’m talking about snack packs, frozen diet meals and powdered diet drinks. […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #16: Stop Drinking Soda and Sweet Drinks
Ladies, one of the ways that many weight loss plans get us to lose weight is by telling us to avoid a whole food group. Sometimes this advice is counterproductive and you don’t get the nutrients, vitamins, fiber or protein you need because you have cut something out that the body needs. However, with today’s […]
Frema lost 45 pounds
Weight loss success story of the day: Frema has worked hard since June to lose 45 pounds. She used clean eating and regular exercise to lose the weight. She says that she is focused on being healthy and eating right…not losing weight. Here is what she shared with us: “I’ve been overweight my whole life. […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #6: Drink Water Instead of Other Drinks
The October Challenge is going strong and Ladies are writing in to report that they are finding a myriad of ways to make weight loss more affordable. Here is my tip for Day 6: Drink Water Instead of Other Drinks. This tip is a no brainer. Think about all the money you could save on […]
The Importance of Hydration
Proper hydration is one of the most important aspects of healthy living. Just look at what happens when you water a plant. It perks up and seems to spread itself towards the Sun. Nearly all the life on this planet exists only because of water. Human beings can survive for weeks without food, but only […]
5 Simple Ways to Help Your Body Release the Weight
With all the fad diets out there, weight loss seems like a complicated formula that requires multiple factors in order to be efficient. In reality, weight loss is simple since it occurs when less calories are consumed than taken in causing a calorie deficit. Sure there are other factors like body mass, illness, overall health, […]