Weight Loss Story of the Day: Sisters Jennifer and Kimberly lost 142 pounds combined. With regular exercise, calorie counting, food journaling and by making better food choices they have embraced healthy lifestyle change. Here is what they shared with us about losing the weight together… After Christmas 2012, we looked at pictures, started talking about our weight […]
dr ian
Video: Beverly lost 109 pounds with Dr. Ian’s Shred Program
We shared Beverly‘s story after she lost 84 pounds with Dr. Ian’s Shred program and now she’s giving us an update. Video: She was featured on the Doctors TV show to talk about her weight loss victory. “You posted my before and after picture when I had lost more than 80 pounds on Dr. Ian […]
Felicia lost 55 pounds
Today’s featured story: Proud Navy wife and mom Felicia lost 55 pounds. She provided lots of detail about her weight loss journey and how she transformed her weight and health. Check out her story below: “Summer of 2010 the majority of my mornings I would wake up feeling extremely sluggish & as the day would […]
Gwen lost 60 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Gwen lost 60 pounds in 7 months. She was inspired to get healthy by her daughter who lost 65 pounds. I love it when families lose weight together! Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: “Hi I’m Gwen, I just wanted to introduce myself and tell […]
Tiffany lost 43 pounds
Let’s show some BWLW Love to Tiffany who lost 43 pounds by going raw vegan. Here is what she shared with us: This past December, I passed a mirror and surprised myself. I thought, “surely I am not that big.” I decided to take a picture of myself. One turned two then ten. I just […]