Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Alisha lost 117 pounds. Her aunt Sharon wrote in to share her story. I just love it when family members support and encourage their loved ones to lose weight and get healthy. Hello, My niece, Alisha McGriff, has done an amazing job of losing more than 100 pounds in about […]
Shirley lost 70 pounds
Update May 2015: I’m now mostly in a size 10. I am currently working with a very experienced, competitor trainer/NPC expediter named Steve Payne. I’m at the point where my weight loss is pretty much complete and it is time to shape my body and Steve is an expert at that. He is one of the owners of […]
Update: Theodora lost 100 pounds
Shout out to Theodora! She is working hard and keeping the pounds off in 2017. When you’re feeling like your progress sucks lately (like me), look at old pics to remind yourself how far you’ve come! Summer 2010 vs Summer 2017 #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #transformationsaturday #fitness #fitnessjourney #motivated #dedicated #determined #cantstopwontstop #nevergivingup #lifestylechange #progressnotperfection #healthylifestyle […]
4 Ways You May Be Slowing Down Your Metabolism
We all see health magazines and fitness buff’s blog posts explaining some way to “ignite your metabolism” or otherwise improve it so you can burn fat. Simply put, it is often recommended that those seeking a healthier body need to focus on improving their metabolism. While this is true in most aspects, many people really […]
Ebony lost 33 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Ebony lost 33.5 pounds. She saw herself healthy and happy, but needed her vision of herself to match up with what she saw in her mind. She did the work and the results are clear. Here is what she shared with us about how she lost the weight… […]
Quon lost 101 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Quon lost 101 pounds in 9 months. After having a wakeup call via a workplace video, she decided that it was time to change her lifestyle with healthy eating and exercise. Learn more about her weight loss journey… Hello, my name is Quon Cason. I am a 39 […]
Khalilah lost 30 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Khalilah lost 30 pounds. After years of trying various ways to lose weight, this busy mom credits using HCG drops for her weight loss. Here is what she shared with us… Almost 7 years ago, I became pregnant with my first son and gained 50 pounds, topping out at 225 lbs […]
Yvette lost 32 pounds
Update 2017: It’s 3 years later and Yvette is still going strong! Check out her update… I have been able to maintain my weight, however I had a change in body composition. Although the scale reads a couple of pounds less, my clothing size went from extra large to medium. Depression is and has been […]
Jennifer lost 24 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Jennifer lost 24 pounds. She changed her eating habits and started working out on a regular basis so that she could be more active in her son’s life. Read more about her journey… My motivation was I wanted to be an active member of my son’s life not a […]
Roleen lost 80 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Roleen lost 80 pounds and has kept the weight off for years. After years of unhealthy eating and a diagnosis of pre-diabetes she decided to change her life and fight obesity. Here is what she shared with us about her journey… What was your motivation? What inspired you? I […]