Andrielle lost 45 pounds by going Vegan and ditching all animal products. She calls it the best decision of her life. No more knee pain, no back pain, and her skin looks fantastic.
black women losing weight
Chandra lost 65 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Chandra lost 65 pounds. In 2016, a DVT blood clot in her leg traveled to her lungs and caused a pulmonary embolism. After this experience, this Delta Sigma Theta soror became committed to living a healthy, active lifestyle. By making fitness a priority, eating right for her blood type, and being accountable, she is thriving.
Imani lost 60 pounds
Imani lost 60 pounds. After giving birth, her energy levels were super low, and she had no time for working out while caring for a newborn. She decided to start her journey by meal prepping and improving her eating habits. Eventually, she added exercise to the mix and continued to push toward her goals.
Kayelyn lost 80 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kayelyn lost 80 pounds. A lack of self-esteem was eating away at her, and she was tired of making excuses. While her boyfriend was deployed, she focused on loving herself more and changing her lifestyle. She used one of Shaun T’s workout programs, traditional Keto and intermittent fasting, to release the weight.
Suzy lost 67 pounds
Suzy lost 67 pounds with the Ketogenic diet and lots of exercise. She has a specific daily goal for net grams of carbs, and her workouts consist of cardio and weight training. Her 2-year-old daughter is her motivation.
Lessie lost 70 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Lessie lost 70 pounds. During a visit, her doctor explained that she was at high risk for diabetes. She thought about how that would affect her husband and four children, and something finally clicked. With faith, determination, portion control, and consistent workouts, she has transformed and kept the weight off for a year.
Lisa lost 55 pounds
Lisa lost 55 pounds with healthy food and exercise. After her thyroid was removed due to thyroid cancer, losing the pounds got even more challenging. In 2014, she started taking steps to transform her life and her eating habits. At 51 years old, she is thriving and encouraging people to embrace healthy habits.
Shemeka lost 133 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shemeka lost 133 pounds. PCOS and depression could not stop her. This mental health social worker was tired of the weight loss rollercoaster and, with time, she found the solutions that work for her.
Nicole lost 110 pounds
Nicole lost 110 pounds. To regain her confidence, she had to accept what she didn’t like and work to fix it. Back in 2016, she had the gastric sleeve procedure. She also improved her eating habits and worked with a trainer who gives her encouragement and guidance.
Jovanna lost 82 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jovanna lost 82 pounds by walking and adopting a low-carb lifestyle. Her goal was to focus on her health for the good of her family. Now she can be more active with her children and do things with them, like jumping on a trampoline.