Transformation of the Day: Earnestine lost 47 pounds. She began her journey while studying to become a Registered Dietitian because she wanted to be a healthy example. Ultimately a plant-based lifestyle paired with lots of exercise turned out to be a winning combination for her.
black women losing weight
LaToya lost 110 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Latoya lost 110 pounds. She was truly fed up after 20 years of carrying extra weight. This mom took action to release the weight so that she can be here in the future to see her children’s children’s children. She shared with us how she changed her life.
Omolewa lost 18 pounds
Omolewa lost 18 pounds. She was dealing with several health concerns and wanted to get into better physical condition. By mixing us her workout routine and cutting back on carbs and sugar, she has transformed.
Aramide lost 70 pounds
Aramide lost 70 pounds by making healthy lifestyle changes. She was tired of feeling weak and tired due to anemia. Her body ached, and she had constant headaches. With her health and energy levels in mind, she decided to release the weight and get active.
Jess lost 35 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jess lost 35 pounds by dancing, walking, and eating for health and vitality. She restarted her journey in December. This time she is addressing emotional eating and getting results without doing workouts that she hates.
Deona lost 50 pounds
Deona lost 50 pounds by changing her habits and her mindset. She wanted to create an active lifestyle and stop restarting her efforts over again and again. Meal prepping, HIIT workouts, weight training are some of the tools she used.
Nichole lost 167 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Nichole lost 167 pounds. After years and years of trying, she was determined to see what happened when she didn’t give up on the process. By adopting healthy eating habits, cutting back on soda and sweets, and working out consistently, she changed her life.
Mignon lost 82 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Mignon lost 82 pounds. She is a 39 year old mom from Chicago. After being diagnosed with blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and sleep apnea, she decided to make a serious lifestyle change by having VSG surgery in 2017. Since then, she has been committed to healthy eating habits, exercise, and self-love.
Melissa lost 152 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Melissa lost 152 pounds. Her journey began when the pounds started to affect her health seriously. She developed a hiatal hernia that caused GERD and several other issues. Her doctors suggested Gastric Bypass. After having surgery in 2019, she took steps to transform her life and realized her dream of becoming a runner.
Ama lost 71 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Ama lost 71 pounds. She is a 2nd year medical student studying in Russia. Cutting out junk food and doing dance workouts from Youtube worked for her. She gives God the glory for helping her develop the discipline she needed to change her habits from unhealthy to healthy.