Update Nov 2015 – We shared her story back in January and now Nicole has written in to share that she’s lost 39 more pounds. “I have currently lost 98 lbs and when I submitted my story earlier this year, I’d lost 59 lbs. I still have a ways to go, but I’m happy of what I’ve […]
black women losing weight
Kirby lost 50 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Kirby lost 50 pounds in 8 months. She cleaned up her eating habits and starting working out to create real lifestyle change and love the skin she is in. Here is what she share with us about her weight loss journey… Hello, my name is Kirby Wall. I started […]
Nikiel lost 102 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Nikiel lost 102 pounds. As a nurse she’s witnessed how being overweight can affect your health and she wanted to be there to see her kids grow and thrive for years to come, so she made a change. Read all about her journey… My journey started over 9 years ago. […]
Dalelynn lost 81 pounds
Update Aug 2018: We featured Dalelynn‘s story back in 2014. She wrote in to share that she lost an additional 67 pounds for a total of 148lbs gone. Check out her update. I’m a mom of 4, including twin boys (almost 2 years old). I’ve lost a total of 148 pounds. My starting weight was 302 […]
Ebony lost 126 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Ebony lost 126 pounds. To avoid a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes, she decided to get help and begin a new healthy lifestyle. Here is what she shared about her journey… I wanted to share my weight loss story with someone in hopes to inspire them! […]
Jennifer lost 24 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Jennifer lost 24 pounds. She changed her eating habits and started working out on a regular basis so that she could be more active in her son’s life. Read more about her journey… My motivation was I wanted to be an active member of my son’s life not a […]
Mickey lost 62 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Mickey lost 62 pounds and went from a size 18 to a size 10. She also maintained her weight loss for a whole year. Check out her story to find out how she did it… Nov 5, 2012 is The day I said enough is enough! The day I said […]
Precious lost 105 pounds
Update Dec 2015 – We featured Precious’s story of losing 105 lbs a year ago. She is still going strong and has lost 15 more pounds. “I’ve lost 15 more pounds and have built lean muscle. Total weight loss to date: 120 lbs. Since my story was featured back in 12/2014, I been working towards becoming […]
Jeanette lost 44 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Jeanette lost 44 pounds. After losing a loved one, she realized that her life was at risk for the same medical issue and that it was time to find a weight loss program and change her lifestyle. Here is what she shared with us… On August 5, 2013, […]
Asjane’ lost 30 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Asjane’ lost 30 pounds. This young lady made a commitment to herself and did the work to change her lifestyle and reach her weight loss goal. Here is what she shared with us… When I was younger I was always picked on because of my weight and for having […]