Transformation of the Day: Demetra lost 57 pounds. Pregnancy took a toll on this proud mom of 2 and she found herself lacking joy, self worth and feeling unhealthy. After trying lots of programs and diet products, she found a book that helped her transform her body and lifestyle with green smoothies. Here is what she shared […]
black women losing weight
Obaayaa lost 66 pounds
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.” ……. So here’s a little motivation to all my New Followers. Don’t give up on your goals ! Follow @nutri_ace for all your healthy stuff 💋♥️ #fitness#weightlossgoalstyle #nutrition #goals #eatclean #weightwatchers #slimmingworld #fitfam #fitfoodie #healthcoach #healthyliving #fitfamng #strong #healthy […]
Kisha lost 69 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Kisha lost 69 pounds. This proud mom was tired of battling her weight and dealing with a number of health issues, such as asthma. She committed to change and her commitment shows. Here is what she shared about losing the weight… Hello, my name is Kisha and I want to […]
Teresa lost 44 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Teresa lost 44 pounds. She experienced weight gain from depression and was never able to lose it for good. After dealing with some health issues, she reached out to a nutritionist and the folks at Success Athletic Training in Florida for help. She encouraged some of her SAT sisters […]
Shirley lost 33 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Shirley lost 33 pounds and transformed her body with strength training. This sista from Curaçao experienced college weight gain and wanted to not just lose weight, but to honor her body temple. Here is what she shared with us… My name is Shirley and I’m 1.65. I started with a weight of 80kg (176 […]
Naiga lost 80 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Naiga lost 80 pounds. Changing her diet and doing a lot of strength training helped transform her body. Here is what she shared with us… My name is Naiga Rehema. I strated working on losing the weight on the 1st February in 2014. I weighed 87 kg (191 pounds) and now […]
Tara lost 116 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Tara lost 116 pounds. After being diagnosed with high blood pressure in her twenties, she was determined to beat obesity and change her lifestyle for greater wellness. Here is what she shared with us… About 4 years ago, I was morbidly obese and full of excuses. I lived for […]
April 2015 Challenge: Plant-Based and Moving It!
It is time to go Meatless and “Move It” in April! BWLW is challenging you to eat Plant-Based Meals and get your body Moving with our April Exercise Calendar (you’ll find the calendar below). Plant-Based Eating for 14 Days – 2 Options Commit to eating 1-2 plant-based meals per day. Commit to eating plant-based meals 80-100% of the […]
Danielle lost 95 pounds
Update Sept 2017: We featured Danielle back in 2015 and she has worked hard to maintain her success and keep the pounds off. Check out how she did it. I was featured on your page before about 2 years ago. I’m a currently back on my grind like never before. I just wanted people to […]
March 2015 Daily Calorie Burn Challenge
We started 2015 with a Bang by Eating Clean for 31 Days for our January 2015 Challenge. In February, we’ve focused on drinking water to stay hydrated and letting go of sugary drinks and diet drinks. We also had some great DietBets which we will be doing every month since participants have lost over 2000+ pounds […]