Lataveya lost 46 pounds. She’s succeeded with weight loss in the past, but the passing of her mother led to depression and weight gain. Her doctor advised her that she was developing high blood pressure, which was causing migraines. In April, she decided to take action. Check out her story. Hello, my name is LaTaveya Franklin. I’ve always been a big […]
black women losing weight
Natasha lost 180 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Natasha lost 180 pounds with gastric bypass surgery and hard work. She had to change her eating habits and workout 4-6 days a week for these great results. An unhealthy relationship led to lot of emotional eating, binge eating, high blood pressure and weight gain. Check out what she shared with us […]
Wadeana lost over 65 pounds
🎶🎶I’m cooooooming UP…..on the rough siiiiiiiiiide….of the mountaiiiiiiiin⛰⛰⛰🎶🎶 But for real, patience is truly a virtue…getting back here seems so much harder mainly, because I want instant or at least daily progress! But oh, HOLD ON, saith the weightloss gods…be patient my child and keep showing up every single day!!! You SHALL be back and […]
Lauren lost 77 pounds
Lauren lost 77 pounds. At 365 pounds, she was dealing with high blood pressure and medicating her emotions with comfort eating. This mom of 2 decided to have weight loss surgery to improve her health and wellbeing. Check out her story. What was your motivation? What inspired you when you wanted to give up? I have […]
Dee lost 21 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Dee lost 21 pounds. This tall young lady fell in love with fitness on her quest to release the weight and get healthy. Positive feedback fueled her drive to do the work. This UK sista also learned the value of patience. Check out her story. When I started to see that […]
Althea lost 82 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Althea lost 82 pounds. This proud mom of 4 and grandmother of 6 was inspired by a family member’s weight loss journey. She did her own research and figured out what would work for her to release the weight. Check out her journey. My weight loss journey started in February 2015. […]
Brande lost 27 pounds
Brande lost 27 pounds. This mother of three fully committed to her summertime transformation. The support and guidance she received from 2 great trainers and her training group made the difference. Check out how she did it. How did you change your eating habits? I work full time and have three teenagers who are actively involved in extra curricular […]
LaKisha lost 83 pounds
Thankful Thursday Moment: Happy 2 year Anniversary to Me! 2 years ago, I restarted my journey of transformation. This time I surrendered the HOW to God and allowed Him to guide me. I used my faith AND work to change my mindset towards food and exercise. I experienced a physical transformation and lost 107.6 lbs! […]
Laura lost 108 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Laura lost 108 pounds. This young lady decided that her health was worth fighting for. Her motto has been, “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. She shared with us how she lost body fat and dropped dress sizes with healthy eating and exercise. April 10th, 2015 marked the day. I […]
Quana lost 156 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Quana lost 156 pounds with hard work and surgery. She never felt bad about her size. In fact, this plus sized model wrestled with whether wanting to lose weight or change her body meant that she wasn’t being true to herself. Once she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, she knew that her […]