Transformation of the Day: Lee lost 156 pounds. She began her journey in Sept 2015 after a wake up call on a doctor’s office scale. She cut out fast food, started counting calories, ate lots of veggies and commited to fitness. Her hard work has really paid off. Check out her story. My name is […]
black women losing weight
Melina lost 45 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Melina lost 45 pounds. After years and years of being overweight, she just reached the point were enough was enough. She went full speed ahead into her lifestyle change, committing to eating right and exercing. Today, she is a personal trainer and health coach in Montréal, CA. Check out how she did […]
Crystal lost 66 pounds
S W I P E • It’s my 4 year vege-versary! On 8/1/13, I set out to try a vegetarian diet for 8 weeks and I never looked back. As someone with asthma, joint pain, and a myriad of other health issues, I couldn’t be happier. Not only do I look better, but I truly […]
LaKeysha lost 152 pounds
Transformation of the Day: LaKeysha lost 152 pounds. After struggling with her weight for years, she decided that it was time to make her health and wellness a priority. She was tired of paying more for clothes she didn’t like and not riding rides at amusement parks. She was tired of being tired. Check out how she […]
Nina lost 78 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Nina lost 78 pounds. She is a proud mom, an Army veteran, and on this journey she became a personal trainer. Leaving an unhealthy relationship and the loss of a battle buddy motivated her to change. She just had to take action and do what she already knew how to do. Now, […]
Francheska lost 84 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Francheska lost 84 pounds. She struggled with her weight all of her life, even enduring the nickname “Fat-Cheska” as a child. After a painful breakup, a health crisis and the death of her father, she was depressed and in need of a serious lifestyle transformation. Check out her story. What was your motivation? Weight […]
Lauren lost 25 pounds
Lauren lost 25 pounds. Working and going to school full time, coupled with a toxic relationship, took its toll on her. She was always tired and was experiencing breathing problems. I love her story, because she never gave up. Despite ups and down, she has continued to take action and figure out what worked and what […]
Shar’nee lost 110 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shar’nee lost 110 pounds. After struggling with her weight for years, she fell in love, lost 50 pounds, got a dream job and had a great life. Three years, later things were falling apart, bringing weight gain, depression and high blood pressure. Last year, she began to take action by changing her […]
LaChristin lost 31 pounds
Transformation of the Day: LaChristin lost 31 pounds and gained lots of lean muscle. After having children, the weight did not come off. She knew that she needed a mindset change to make it happen. She lost her mother to Graves disease at a young age. The memory of her mother’s strength and commmitment to self care […]
Ashley lost 120 pounds
Update 2019: Shout out to Ashley! 122 pounds gone. She has maintained her success and continues to help people achieve their goals. View this post on Instagram Happy Sunday ! Rule #1 never miss a Monday workout! Go beast mode and push hard through every rep and every set. Lift heavy today! Why not increase […]