Transformation of the Day: Dorothy lost 148 pounds. Over the course of 15 years, she experienced significant weight gain. When her weight reached over 350 pounds, she put her faith in action. Prayer, surgery, healthy food and regular exercise was the perfect combination. What was your motivation? I wasn’t always overweight. Over the past 15 […]
black women losing weight
Angela lost 20 pounds and lots of body fat
Transformation of the Day: Angela lost 20 pounds. Her body fat percentage went from 38% to 24% and she no longer has to take blood pressure or diabetes medication. She has taken control of her life and her health. Check out how she did it. After many years of uncontrolled hypertension and countless hospitalizations, Coach Anthony Elfonzia […]
Jessica lost 54 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jessica lost 54 pounds. Being a new mom, a wife and a working career woman brought on excess weight and emotional struggles, including depression and insecurity. When she began her transformation journey, she vowed that she would not give up on herself. Check out how she kept that promise. Hi! I’m Jess and […]
Jenelle lost 113 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jenelle lost 113 pounds. This proud mom of two struggled with her weight since childhood. To reach weight and body composition requirements while in the Navy, she sometimes used extreme methods. Tired of pain, stress, depression and anxiety, she decided to try a more permanent solution. Now, she is healthier, happier and active. Check […]
Jasmaine lost 65 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jasmaine lost 65 pounds. After the birth of her second child, headaches, knee pain and heart palpitations motivated her to take action. She was also aware of a family history of diabetes and wanted to avoid it. Check out how she shed the pounds. What was your motivation? I was insipired to start […]
Jocelin lost 54 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jocelin lost 54 pounds. This mom of two wanted to be a healthy, active example for her children. She found out how powerful and effecitve it can be to combine healthy eating with the intense workouts. Check out how she got results. My name is Jocelin and I’m a mother of two. […]
Jennifer lost 200 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jennifer lost 200 pounds. Being hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis was her turning point. Her doctor told her that if she had not come to the ER that day, she may have gone into a coma. After that life changing event, she dedicated her time and energy to transforming her life. Check out how […]
Taryn lost 38 pounds
Update: Shout out to Taryn. She’s gone from 310 pounds to 228.8 pounds. That’s 81.2 lbs gone. A post shared by Taryn (@the.curvy.keto) on Oct 10, 2017 at 5:14pm PDT Transformation of the Day: Taryn lost 38 pounds. She tried lots of fad diets and had always been heavy. This devoted mother of three experienced the loss of her […]
Anita lost 206 pounds
Update Feb 2019: Anita is still going strong! Transformation of the Day: Anita lost 206 pounds. When day to day tasks became unbearable to perform, she knew that something had to change. As a health professional, she was sharing the importance of healthy living, but not making healthy choices in her own life. Check out […]
Britney lost 70 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Britney lost 70 pounds. At 17 years old, she was told that she had borderline diabetes, also known as pre-diabetes. This young lady took this wake up call seriously and immediately began making changes to avoid an unhealthy lifestyle. Check out her journey. What was your motivaiton to change your life? All […]