Update September 2017: Check out this update from Lakeisha. She’s kept the weight off for more than 2 years. What has worked in terms of eating habits? Before I knew anything about nutrition, I gave up fried foods, sodas and watched my portions. When I’m hungry, I drink black coffee or eat a slice of […]
black girls workout too
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Keeta lost 64 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Keeta lost 64 pounds. This professional makeup artist and proud mom was motivated my wanting to be a healthy and happy example for her daughter. She committed to eating clean and intense exercise to lose the pounds. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: What was […]
Rita lost 29 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Rita lost 29 pounds and wants to give some encouragement to all of the “apple-snapped” ladies who carry their weight on their midsections. Losing these pounds on her midsection has made a major difference. Here is her story: “Hello, my name is Rita. I was a stressed overeater. My […]