Results are what have kept her dedicated to a healthy lifestyle that keeps her feeling empowered and confident as she approaches 50. She shared with us how she transformed her body and mindset.
balanced diet
Jonisha lost 103 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jonisha lost 103 pounds with good nutrition and exercise. She figured out how to maintain her success and keep the weight off for almost two years. With consistency and a healthy, balanced diet, she is winning.
Shaneka lost 71 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shaneka lost 71 pounds. After spending lots of time and money chasing fads and quick-fix plans, she decided that she was ready to do something different. Focused on health, she invested in a personal trainer and learned how to eat a balanced diet.
Counting Calories vs Counting Macros
Let’s discuss two major schools of thought in the diet and fitness world today: one argues that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, and the other argues that not all calories are created equal. So, who is right? Should you count calories or should you count macros/flexible dieting. The answer is a little bit […]
Why Should You Count More Than Just Calories?
Losing weight and maintaining your weight can be a daunting process that requires both patience and a significant amount of focus in order to achieve the desired results. That’s just the truth. It doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t happen without managing what we eat. Counting calories can be a thorny business due to the fact […]
Simple Formula for Fat Loss: Protein, Carbs and Fiber
Three major factors in a healthy diet are protein, carbs and fiber. People tend to be so focused on low fat, low carb or low sugar that they forget about these other very important components. Protein, carbs and fiber all affect weight loss and by understanding them can help you to make better food choices […]
What is the difference between good fats and bad fats?
Fad diets are consistently popping up that claim fat free diets are the key to shedding those unwanted pounds. In the supermarket, shoppers are usually given a choice for a fat-free option of their processed grocery item. Individuals are bombarded with the idea that fat is bad, but in reality fat is a necessity for […]
Toccaro lost 248 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Toccaro lost 248 pounds with the help of weight loss surgery (gastric bypass). She is now a certified spin instructor and is prepping for a bodybuilding competition. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey: “After reaching 435 pounds, I had gastric bypass in 2008. […]