Weight Loss Journey: Alisha lost 54 pounds. A diagnosis of diabetes was the exactly the wake up call that she needed to begin changing her lifestyle. Since childhood, she struggled with her weight and now she’s embraced eating and exercise habits that have improved her health and wellbeing. She’s just getting started. Check out her […]
Salle lost 66 pounds
Weight Loss Journey: Salle lost 66 pounds. From childhood to adulthood, she faced negative comments and ridicule due to her weight. Facing a diagnosis of pre-diabetes and having grown tired of feeling like the fat friend, she began her weight release journey. Check out what she shared about how she did it. My entire life, I […]
Rachel lost 67 pounds
Great Transformation: Rachel lost 67 pounds. She credits Weight Watchers and lots of exercise as being key to her lifestyle change. Check out her story. My name is Rachel. I lost 67 pounds over the course of the last year through Weight Watchers and exercising. I try to walk/run at least 3 days a week. This […]
Shafia lost over 55 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shafia lost more than 55 pounds, going from a size 18-20 to a size 8. Despite the extra pounds, this mom was happy and had no major health concerns. However, she got a wakeup call in the form of vacation photos that made her really consider her health and wellbeing. Now, she has overcome […]
Dani lost 30 pounds
Update 2017: Dani is still going strong her her journey. Size 18/20 to size 14. I wanted to give an update to my sisters on our healthy journey. My motivation for slimming down started in January 2013. Initially was wanting to feel healthier, especially when I finished my PhD in May 2013. Within the past […]
Tracey lost 65 pounds
Weight Loss Journey: Tracey lost 65 pounds in 6 months. After finding out that she had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic she knew that she had to make some serious changes to her lifestyle. Check out her story. I lost 65 pounds in 6 months with healthy eating and daily exercise. My […]
Cecilia lost 84 pounds
Update: Shout out to Cecilia! She’s lost 112 pounds. 302 lbs to 190 lbs. #TBT #myfacetho #bodyunderconstruction #workoutsaremytherapy #naturalweightlossresults #weightlossvictories #mystory #110poundsgone #maintenance #Max4Life #weightlosstransformation #strikeapose #weightloss #healthier #locs #loveurself A post shared by cc_4bodyunderconstruction (@cc_4bodyunderconstruction) on Mar 9, 2017 at 11:14am PST Transformation of the Day: Cecilia lost 84 pounds. This busy mom of […]
Valencia lost 55 pounds
Update November 2016: Valencia wrote in to update us on her progress. Since my feature on your page I’ve lost 25 more pounds. That’s a total of 80 pounds. I’ve also added weight lifting into my workout plan! I still workout 4-6 days a week, along with eating healthy! Now, my main focus is to […]
Jonika lost 63 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jonika lost 63 pounds. This proud mom knew that her children would be influenced by her bad habits. She was also experiencing health issues and didn’t like what she saw starring back at her in the mirror. Determined to love her body again and live a healthy lifestyle, she took action. […]
6 pounds down: Check out Shawna’s amazing progress
Weight Loss Journey: Shawna wrote in to share her progress. She lost 6 pounds in a little over a month and you can see a serious difference in her photos. She has a PhD in Clinical Psychology (from my alma mater Howard University) and she’s a fitness coach and gym owner. She shared with us how […]