Rochelle lost 162 pounds. With her daughters and grandsons as her motivation, she is determined to be healthy and avoid a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes. She adopted a plant-based, alkaline way of eating and worked her way up from walking to running.
african american mom
Shaé Love lost 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shaé Love lost 90 pounds. When she reached her 40s, her body felt stiff, and she was often out of breath. In March 2020, she started making changes to her lifestyle, including eating a raw, plant-based diet and walking for exercise. As time went on, she listened to her body, made changes, and figured out what works for her.
Jeria lost 150+ pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jeria lost 150+ pounds. The passing of her mother and father sent her into a deep depression. Her doctor helped her break out of that spiral by encouraging her to live for her children. Since 2019, she has transformed her body and her health with healthy eating habits and exercise.
Shamika lost 49 pounds
Shamika lost 49 pounds. She has a very physically demanding job in construction. Her motivation to lose weight came from getting out of breath and feeling like she was slowing down at work. She got results by exercising and adopting a Keto lifestyle.
Shaneka lost 71 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shaneka lost 71 pounds. After spending lots of time and money chasing fads and quick-fix plans, she decided that she was ready to do something different. Focused on health, she invested in a personal trainer and learned how to eat a balanced diet.
Tracey lost 80 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tracey lost 80 pounds. This divorced mother of two figured out how to balance working full time, working out five days a week, and cooking nutritious food for her family. She also how to count macros and that eating complex carbohydrates can actually be a game-changer.
Jasmine lost 146 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jasmine lost 146 pounds. She wanted to be a happy and healthy mom for her children. Step by step, she figured out what eating habits work for her. She fully committed to her fitness journey and eventually became a personal trainer.
Keisha lost 54 pounds
Keisha lost 54 pounds. After years of not making herself a priority, her health suffered and the weight piled on. One day, she decided that she no longer wanted to be at the mercy of pain medication. Instead of just dieting, she took steps to create a healthy lifestyle. Now, she’s thriving.
Uriia lost 161 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Uriia lost 161 pounds. This mother of five started her journey seven years ago with Gastric Bypass surgery. She committed to changing her lifestyle to overcome type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure.
Rysse lost 63 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Rysse lost 63 pounds. She shared with us that part of her motivaiton is that she doesn’t want to lose another organ due to bad eating habits. She started her journey after having emergency surgery. By making practical changes to her eating habits and working out 3-5 days a week, she has transfomed.