Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Shirley lost 33 pounds and transformed her body with strength training. This sista from Curaçao experienced college weight gain and wanted to not just lose weight, but to honor her body temple. Here is what she shared with us…
My name is Shirley and I’m 1.65. I started with a weight of 80kg (176 pounds). Not very heavy, but in my eyes it was a big difference. My weight gain started when I migrated from Curaçao to the Netherlands. I started college and since then I ate everything (and at any time) I wanted. In a year, I noticed a big difference in my weight and my overall appearance.
One day, I saw myself in the mirror and couldn’t believe it. I gained weight without knowing it. As I became a Christian, I realized that my body is a temple of God and I need to take care of it. When that hit me I started asking people that I know how to start a healthy lifestyle. Luckily, I knew a few people with knowledge about how to eat healthy and exercise.
So, I started doing group classes at the gym and eating healthy. It was hard to make that step but I needed to make that change. I started eating 4 -6 times a day (small portions of food). I stopped having fast food and refined sugars. I focused on eating food that was high on clean proteins and low on carbs (Don’t stop eating carbs, your body needs it. Just eat less than you used to.)
It took me 18 months to reach my weight goal of 65 kg (143 pounds). Since then I’m focusing on how to maintain that weight and on living healthy. My focus is to prove to myself that I can eat delicious food and still be healthy and that healthy food is delicious.
My message to all of you is to focus on your health and not on a number on your scale. Eat healthy, exercise and the weight loss will come. Never give up and surround yourself with people who motivate you and want to see you prosper. God will give you the strength to reach your goal!
I try to motivate everyone through my Facebook page www.facebook.com/FitQueens.FQ and instagram @_FitQueens_ [updated] (Because we all are FitQueens). Website: www.fitqueens.nl Thanks for reading my story and I hope it will help you.
Tamika Marsh says
I’m a mother of four and a wife I’m really looking to loose fifty pounds I really need your help.
Shontail says
You look FANTABULOUS! I’ve been working out consistently fir over a year and am about to amp up with a weight training regime. Would you mind sharing yours with me please?
Thank you and God bless you,
doretta says
I am presently going thru the pre surgery support groups, visits to the bariatric surgeon as well as bloodwork. I would like to hear from women who have had gastric bypass or anyone who is considering gastric bypass. Doretta