Transformation Story of the Day: Safari lost 67 pounds and went from a size 22 to a size 10. This wife and mother of 4 is on a fitness journey that has changed her life. She’s an avid runner, marathoner, triathlete who shares her journey with the world online with her brand, FitMomma. Check out what she shared with us about how she released the weight…
What was your motivation?
My daughters were my motivation. They watched my every move and wanted to be just like me. I had to become someone I wouldn’t mind them being. Also, I was simply sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was depressed and miserable. I was on a vicious cycle and was depressed because I was overweight. I was overweight because I ate too much and I ate too much because I was depressed (emotional eater). I hated what I saw when I looked in the mirror and hated how I felt every day. It was uncontrollable, to the point of feeling stuff and sick!!! Miserable.
What inspired you?
Jennifer Hudson…I saw how fabulous she looked and thought…heck, I’ve tried EVERYTHING else…may as well try Weight Watchers.
How did you change your eating habits?
I joined Weight Watchers online. I tracked EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. If it didn’t have a label, I didn’t eat it. If the restaurant wasn’t on the app, I didn’t go there. I didn’t start or stop eating anything, initially. Over time, I gradually fazed certain foods out, not because they were off limits but because they weren’t worth the points. I completely cut out most fast foods, like McDonald’s, Burger King and Taco Bell. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve been to any of those places and I used to frequent them, almost DAILY!
What did your workout routines look like?
My journey started with fitness. I started working out first with the Couch to 5k program. I ran 5-6 days a week, but I didn’t lose a pound. It wasn’t until I changed my eating habits, along with working out that I did see change. I lost 67 lbs (went from a size 22 to a size 10) and ran FOUR marathons. I still can’t believe that because I always wanted to run one, so I never thought that I would run FOUR. I also completed 5 triathlons (2 sprint, 1 Olympic Distance, 2 Half Ironmans – 70.3), 14 Half Marathons and a ton of other races (5k, 5 miler, 10k, 10 miler, 15k). Again, I pinch myself. I can’t believe this is MY life!
What was your starting weight? 246 pounds
What is your current weight? 179 pounds
Height: 5’7″
How long did your transformation take?
My transformation is still a work in progress but it took me about a year and a half to get down to 179 pounds. My weight fluctuates, I gain and I lose, but I don’t quit
What advice do you have for others who want to lose weight?
Take it one day/meal/pound at a time. The weight did not come on overnight, so it and the bad habits won’t leave overnight. Make subtle changes, changes you can live with. If it makes you miserable, you won’t stick with it. When making the changes I made, I phased them out so subtly that I don’t even miss them. Don’t deprive yourself. If you want it, eat it but in moderation! Don’t start something you have to “come off of”. I may not track my foods as religiously as I used to, but my habits are still the same. I still eat everything I used to eat, just not as much or as frequently. Be patient. It’s a marathon…not a sprint. If it’s something you plan to do for the rest of your life, what’s the rush?
Instagram: @4fitmommas
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