Today’s Weight Loss Success Story: Cynthia lost 100 pounds! She has graciously given us a lot of detail about her transformation (see below).
Transformation: Romans 12
My name is Cynthia and I want to tell you about my Journey of Transformation. I have entitled it as such, because truly that is what it has been for me and God has blessed me on so many levels and in so many areas of my life that I cannot share them all right here. I will attempt to give a summary on my weight loss journey. I have struggled with being overweight, then obese for most of my life. From early childhood, as early as I can remember, I was always chubby or chunky, bigger than all my cousins, friends and classmates. Not necessarily the fat girl, but not average weight. Then when I married my husband in 1992 I was 185lbs and we started having children, after each child (6 kids) I put on more weight until 2007, I reached obesity, even what doctors called “morbidly obese”. When I look back with 20/20 hindsight, I see how the enemy crept in and kept me at bay, because at that point in my life, depression set in and different physical elements began creeping in. I went to the doctor because everything seemed to hurt, my back, my legs all the time, my stomach was always on fire, my head hurt, I would wake up with monster headaches, my husband said I snored like a bear and I walked (kind of hobbled along) like my grandma, I was miserable. During the doctor’s visit, it was revealed that I had reached an all time highest weight of 313 lbs, which only made me more depressed. The doctor put me on high blood pressure pills, she said I was on the borderline for possible diabetes and she prescribed Zoloft for depression. I was in a terrible place and wanted out very bad. I began to ask the Lord to help me, I can see where He was sending the message my way but I wasn’t receiving it, thus I struggled.
I remember in 2010 attending a women’s conference, where I was a speaker and I spoke from Romans 12 concerning finances and how we are not to be conformed to way the world views finances and we needed to unplug from this Babylonian system and be transformed to God’s views of finances, have our minds renewed and walk in the blessings of God establishing His kingdom here on the earth. Well, the very next day another speaker used all of the same scriptures in reference to health, how we eat, exercise and become soldiers in Christ, laying aside weights that prevent us from being all God created us to be. WOW!!! What an eye opener for me! From that day the seed of the Word was planted in my heart and I was ready for change but I just needed the tools to make it reality in my life.
I began little changes, which resulted in about a 30lb loss, but it wasn’t until October of 2011 when everything came together. Our church took on the Divine Fitness challenge at JSU, to become the church that lost the most weight over a 6 wk period and I had joined the team. I was so excited because all I can say was “Thank You Jesus” for sending the tools. My mind was made up and I had already received the Word, I just didn’t know completely altogether how to make it happen and here it was right before my face. Everything our trainer asked us to do, I tried with everything in me and I lost about 13lbs in that 6 wk period. Our church won the challenge, then the Medical Mall called and offered the church to join a 10-month challenge. I was super excited at this point and truly wanted to make this weight loss a reality. Our church joined the challenge and weighing in at 271.6 lbs, I went to work, every challenge that was proposed I accepted and I just did my best, then I would work to beat my own personal best, each day I would do a little more than I did the day before or the week before. I joined the gym at JSU and eventually enrolled in Boot Camp and what an experience! I have been challenged to physically do things I have never done before in my life, but I accepted and did my best, never making excuses, nor cheating myself. I said within myself, that as long as the Lord is my helper and gives me strength, I can do anything and anything was what we were doing. I could not do one sit up, nor push up, and it took me 28 minutes to complete my 1st mile walking, huffing and puffing long the way and about to pass out. I went home hurting and in tears, but refused to let defeat camp at my doorstep. I was working on the new me and transformation was being manifested. So each day I went back determined to at least try to do everything requested of me.
I can now do at least 60 sit ups and push ups, I can now run 3 miles in just under 45 minutes and I have lost about 60 lbs in this year of 2012. I also accomplished a few other challenges, like during the month of July and August I took on the challenge of completing 100 miles (walking, jogging, running, elliptical, etc.), and back in April of this year our boot camp class walked/ran every stair in JSU’s AAC and it took me 55 min just to go half way around one time, on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, I completed 21⁄2 rounds in that same time frame. Oh yeah, 7 minutes on the elliptical has turned into 45 minutes easy. So yes, I see major progress and I am truly becoming the creation God intended for me to be. I have been cleaning this temple with healthy clean eating, being mindful of what I eat and how much I eat, applying all the scriptures to my life, making them reality and not just words on the pages of the bible. I use temperance and moderation and I see nothing as impossible, because He said all things are possible to him that believes. My biggest struggle throughout this process has been the battle in my own mind, voices telling me that I can’t do it, but I choose to listen and believe the voice of God telling me that I can do all things. I believe God is holding my hand and guiding me every step of the way through this process and I’m so excited with a great spirit of expectation of where He’s going to lead me to. Many have asked, “what’s your goal weight” or “how much do you want to lose”, at this point in my life, I want to go wherever the Lord leads me and my goal is to reach size healthy, fit and not overweight. I’m not sure what that size is on the scale or clothing numbers just yet, because I have never been there, but I intend, with everything within me, to reach that destination, with the help of the Lord.
Nicole Siena says
You look wonderful and have renewed my motivation to keep going. Thank you so much for posting your journey.
TIAMA says
Wow thank you so much for sharing this…..YOUR MY NEW INSPIRATION!…..Amazing
Tenesha says
Wow you look great love the inspiration your story is truly amazing blessing to you
mary says
Your story is amazing!!! For the past month I have felt directed to read Romans 12. Now, I understand why after reading your story. I too have struggled with my weight since childhood and have had numerous health challenges due to my weight. Recently, I was told by my primary care doctor I have asthma and high blood pressure (not good). I desire to lose weight and become a healthier wife,mother,sister, and daughter.
Just as the Father has helped you on your weightloss journey. I know he can help me as well.
I believe God is no respector of person… what he does for one and can do for another
Thank you for sharing your story and may God continually bless you on your journey.
Johnnette says
This is wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing!
Davina says
Inspiring story.
Renita says
Thank God you didn’t cop out and have surgery. As I read I was waiting for that excuse. When you do it the way you did u will know what it took and you will not put it back on.
Renita says
God bless you and keep on pushing and thank your husband for sticking it out with you and keeping you strong.
God bless
Mia says
Congratulations…, I wish I could use the motivation that I read from others, but just like I say to others…. It’s gonna take something inside of you to Want to change. I think you are doing great! And I’m glad that you have taken the steps and continue to take the steps to become an even healthier YOU!!!!
Angela says
Congratulations…I thank God for you and your motivating testimony. You can not imagine how this have given me the faith and determination to continue my weight loss journey.
Maggie says
Cynthia; you look amazing and I’m inspired reading about your transformation. I just accepted a 25 lb challenge and with the help of God I’m going to do it by the destinated time which is 01/01/13. I appreciate you taking the time to share so much of your journey with us. Be blessed and I will be looking forward to seeing the finish product….your ideal body!
Elzener says
Wow!! That is awesome, its sad that the body of Christ, most of us are in the worst physical health, while we should be an example we are so far from it. Thank you my sister for your testimony, this is truly inspring to take this journey to another level.
Joyie says
I have been inspired by your story. I have started this journey many times and have given up. You give me the courage to begin again. Keep it up!
Sheila says
Praise God!!!!! Godspeed to you!
Ali says
Thank you for sharing.
Lorriris says
Keep going gyrl! You are an inspiration. I quoted you inn my personal girl power journal.
Each day I would do a little more than I did the day before or the week before.
Thank you!!!
Debra Ann says
YES ! I am so very proud of you, Cynthia. The one thing that you have stated is that the battle is in ‘your mind’ telling yourself negative thoughts. Ding Ding Ding. YEAH !! We all are inspired and motivated to continue our weight loss as well. ROCK STAR – that’s U Cynthia !! To God Be The Glory !
Ruby says
Cyhnthia i read your story and it was so touching and inspiring. Your story has blessed me to apply romans 12 to a certain part of my life. Girl you look GOOOOOD! no joke. Thanks for sharing your story with me.
Terri Johnson says
Wow what an inspiration I love your story and how well you expressed it. I am so inspired by you I thin this is truley the story I needed to motivated to say to myself no more excuses wake up and smell the coffee stop hurting yourself with food. Everyday I say tomorrow no more Thank you Thank you just don’t know how this is a blessing for me
Erika says
Congrats on you success!
Michelle says
Cynthia, what a beautiful testimony. Your journey and faith filled words will help many of us to continue to strive to meet our goals and pray, pray, pray without ceasing, all day, everyday. Thank You for sharing your experience and keep going in the name of Jesus Christ.
FWilliams says
I am so proud of you! It’s been a joy to watch you week after week accomplish each hurdle. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
Cynthia Thompson says
I just want to say thank you all soooo much for your words of encouragement and love. I was in tears reading the responses and so humbled. I truly give God all the praise for blessing me on this journey and giving me strength each day to continue pressing forward. I thank each of you for taking the time to read through the story of my heart and it’s only beginning. I have quite a ways to go, but with God’s help I know I will get there. Please keep me lifted in prayers as well as our other sisters that are in this fight against the demon obesity, that we will all come out victoriously!!!! I love you all, as Christ has loved me!!!!
Transformation Romans 12 – My Destiny Calls and I am Becoming a New Creation!
Elise says
Cynthia, thank you so much for sharing. The Word truly is a weapon. You look fabulous! Continued blessings.
you look good!!! to God be the Glory!!!! thank you for the message… I want to be and do what God has called me to do.. spiriturally, mentally, and physically!!!!
Jackie says
First let me say GLORY BE TO GOD. I was so elated to read your journey. I am on the journey of transformation as well and I am excited and meet each day with great anticipation of what God is going to do. As you stated so eloquently God is holding our hand. I can say with conviction Lord lead me guide me along the way. Oh girl I AM READY TO SHOUT. Thanks for sharing. I will share when I Peace and Blessings to you!!!!!!!!
Earline Bentley says
Keep it moving forward you’re dong a magnificent job!
Ratifa says
Amen! How wonderful is our God
Nailah says
Thank you for your story. After the loss of my mother I gained an exteme amount of weight and it just keeps coming on. 10 years later and I don’t even recognize the woman I am today. I know I can do it and with the help of these stories I feel extremely encouraged. God Bless You!