Let’s show some Black Women Losing Weight Love to Robin of Primal Healthy Steps who lost 30 pounds with the help of 3 great books and exercise. Here is what she shared with us:
In April 2011, I decided to take my health and the health of my family more seriously. After dealing with my own life long food allergies, watching my son suffer the effects of food intolerances, and wanting relief for my father who is living with Ulcerative Colitis, I had to dig deeper to find out the origin of our difficulties with food. I started with Mark Sission’s book, Primal Blueprint, and learned what foods contributed to internal inflammation (a symptom that an endoscopy for my son revealed). Next, I read Wheat Belly by cardiologist Dr. William Davis and then The Good Fat by Fran McCullough. These 3 books helped me to begin the process of learning all that I could about what foods enable our bodies to work optimally. To wipe the slate clean and “reset” my body I started with what is virtually a whole 360. I focused on quality proteins, fruit, vegetables, healthy fats, and even a little dark chocolate. I slowly lost 30 lbs., but more importantly, I gained invaluable insight about what my body needs. I know what foods work for MY body and I feed it as best I can. I continue to learn more about food daily; I’m just getting started.
I don’t have a gym membership so I had to come up with things on my own. I ran stadiums once a week and did a kettle bell routine 2 x’s a week. In between, I would do intervals (walk/sprints) in my neighborhood. I did this in addition to whatever random activities (biking or rollerblading) my kids came up with. I would try various workouts that I pinned to my Pinterest board as well. I would even workout while watching the Biggest Loser. My objective was to JUST KEEP MOVING!
Tea says
You look great and educating yourself is key!!!:)