Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Quita lost 99 pounds. This mom was determined to make sure that obesity and weight-related illness would not be a cycle for her family. She made straight forward changes to her eating habits and worked out regularly to lose the pounds. Check out her story.
I wanted to share my journey with you all. I was getting sick and tired of being overweight. Then, I went to the doctor and they begin to tell me that if I wanted to be around for my children I needed to get my act together. I was facing high blood pressure and diabetes and could not live with the thought of not trying or just giving up. I did not want being overweight to be an repeated cycle for me and my children, especially knowing that my grandmother had battled the same issues. Weeks later, the doctors made me aware that one of my children was facing the exact same health concerns I was. That’s when I took a stand and started making lifestyle changes.
I began to work out 6 days a week and made better food choices, like cutting back on red meat, only drinking water and eating more vegetables. I also stopped fried foods and began only eating chicken and fish. Now, I still only drink water. I work out 6 days a week, running 4 miles a day and weight training as well.
I’ve lost a total of 99 pounds. I started my journey in August 2014 and one year later I feel fabulous. My starting weight was 278 pounds and my current weight is 179 pounds (height: 5ft 4in tall). It took me 9 months to get the weight off and I’m still going.
My advice for others who want to lose weight is: Stay focused throughout your journey! Also, stay away from carbs as much as possible. If you mess up or slip up, just keep going. Don’t ever give up! It won’t get easier, you just become better at it. Give it all you’ve got. BWLW, Thanks for allowing us to share our stories with the world.
Instagram: @quyta_fit2015
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