Update: Qui wrote in to share what’s she’s been doing since she shared her story of losing over 100 pounds 4 years ago. She gained some of weight back, but after being diagnosed with PCOS she understood why she’d experienced rapid weight gain and what changes she needed to make to release the pounds.
I was featured in on your page a few years ago. So much has happened to me since 2012. For the most part, I managed to maintain the weight loss. However, at the end of 2014 and most of 2015, I gained almost 60 pounds. 30 pounds of thoese pounds were gained in about 5 months. I acknowledge that I fell back into some old habits, but I couldn’t figure out why I gained that amount of weight so quickly.
Later in 2015, I met with several doctors who diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which help to explain a lot. I had a glucose intolerance that didn’t wasn’t helped by the amount of carbs I was ingesting. In December of last year, I set a goal to drop half of the weight that I gained and I will continue with the other 30 pounds this year. In the photos, you can see my before and after. I’ve managed to lose a net total of 28 of the 30 pounds I wanted to lose, so I still have some work to do. I am optimistic about meeting and surpassing my goal this year. I can’t stress enough the importance consulting with a physician before starting a diet, because if I didn’t I would have never known about PCOS and how it could negatively affect my results.
Today’s Weight Loss Success Story: Qui lost 106 pounds! She focused on nutrition and exercise to get the job done.
She says,
I absolutely love this site!!!! I wish I would have found it during the beginning of my journey. It is important that we have support during such a transitional period. I lost 106 pounds and finally hit my goal after a few years of struggling. Don’t give up ladies…Keep grinding 🙂  I initially started with my diet. Nutrition is about 80% of the fitness journey. I used the South Beach Diet and the 4 day diet to set the foundation for my current life style. I dont eat white rice, white flour, white sugar, or white bread. I began to do Turbo Jam because I was ashamed to go into the gym. After I lost my first 20-30 pounds I decided to go to the gym. 30 minutes turned into an hour on the elliptical and then I gained enough courage to lift [weights]. Towards the end of my journey I worked out 5-6 days.
Check out her Facebook page: facebook.com/QuisChronicles
Andy says
Great job, thanks for sharing!!!
Kidada says
Great job, looking good momma!
Stephanie green says
You look great
Tanya says
You were already beautiful, but now you’re healthy and you look wonderful! You are such an inspiration!! Now, time for me to get myself in shape:)
Roxanne Vigne says
You look amazing !!!!
kizzy says
You look great. My problem is that I get discourage when I start diet and. excerise and I don’t see results after at least two weeks, not one pound is lost so I give up. :-[ What can I do, use, take to get not fast results but results that will keep me going.
Qui says
The thing that I did was learn the importance of my metabolism and trick the body. The body is smart and it will get use to your routine and diet so you have to confuse it from time to time. I like to stick to a diet for about three or four days and then I will eat something that I “typically” won’t eat during the “diet” days. Also you want to eat often so the metabolism is working all day. The last thing you want to do is eat two to three times a day or not eat enough. Your body will go into starvation mode and hold on to everything you are in-taking. I hope this helps 🙂
Chimera says
So what did you eat on your on your non-diet days that you typically didnt eat on your diet days to throw off your metabolism?
Qui says
Since I would usually eat more carbs. Incorporate more wheat bread and wheat pasta. Then I would go strict again.
Qui says
I wasn’t eating a lot of carbs*
Qui says
I would usually eat more carbs. Incorporate more wheat bread and wheat pasta. Then I would go strict again.
almorgan says
We have to don’t give up!!!!! set a goal to not to STOP for 1 month — (4Weeks) then see the pounds….DON’T GIVE UP !!!!!!
Qui says
Excellent point. Small goals will get you to the larger goal before you know it.
Kae says
Congrats. You looked beautiful before and after. Wishing you the best in everything you continue to do.
Qui says
Thank you everyone for your kind words. 🙂
Denise says
amazing! You look so nice!!
Marsha Chatman says
Marsha says
Great, looking lovely.
Toni says
What were some of the foods you eat/ate to help you on this journey?
Qui says
I think the easiest way I can answer this to tell you the food that I avoided. I don’t eat any beef or pork products. I avoided (and still do) white sugar, white flour, white bread, and white rice. For the majority of my journey I ate lean meats baked or grilled fish and poultry. I tried to eat a salad every day and I ate a lot of fruit and veggies.
Evelyn says
You look amazing…. Congrats cause i know it wasnt easy…but what i found is if your not mentally ready no matter what diet or surgery you wont lose the weight… This will always be a struggle
Qui says
You are right…My breaking point happened on my birthday. I went through a horrible break up earlier that summer and I was all over the place emotionally. I realized that I needed to change…I was 23 years old and I couldn’t make it up a flight of stairs without being winded. So I prayed, prepared, and started. I stopped a few times along the way but I hadn’t reach my goal so I had to continue. I believe that mental toughness is just as important as your physique. Take care of both while reaching your goals 🙂
Toni says
You look wonderful!!
Ron says
you look good … but the before picture is so beautiful… I’m just a man who love thick sexy women
Sharmanlyne says
You, my dear, look absolutely stunning! Your transformation has been one of the best I’ve ever seen. You look beautiful in both pictures; however, healthwise, I know you feel the best in the latter. Remarkable job – congratulations!!!
MaryAnn says
Qui, you look absolutely wonderful. What an inspiration!!!! Congratulations on your journey!!!!
ROBIN says
candi smith says
U look great….any tips for me losing my mid-section?
Qui says
I am still working on mine but when I find out I will definitely let you know. 🙂
Velda Wiltz says
Awesome! I am now motivated. Thanks!
Velda Wiltz says
Awesome! It is a pleasure to c u and hear your story.
Velda Wiltz says
Great Job! Your hard work really paid off.
Qui says
Thank you all again for taking time to express your feelings about my story. I appreciate it 🙂
Mikisha says
How long did it take you to lose the first 50lbs?
Qui says
About a year and a half.
tasha says
You look great. I always marvel at people who are able to stay the course.. it has been a huge struggle for me. However, reading your story has encouraged me and I’m going to do my best to continue my journal. Keep up the hard work.
Scarlet says
I love the dedication. I am currently working on loosing weight also. I congratulate you on reaching your weight goals. Looking great!!!!1
ANGIE says
Woodrena says
Qui you look amazing. You are an inspiration to me to keep going. I started my journey back in May after having my second baby. I lost weight before and got pregnant so I was not able to complete my journey. So this is the third time around beginning this journey again. I admit I get discourage and sometimes the future looks dismal. However, stories like yours give me a big swigt kick in the butt to keep at it. I have been up and down all my life and right now I am at the heaviest I have been in years. Still using trial and error but basically making a lifestyle change to make healthier choices. I am now down 30lbs from May. Just taking it slow. Maybe one day I could share my before and after. Thanks again for the encouragement to hang in there.
Qui says
Thank you Woodrena,
First I want to commend you on making the change for a healthier lifestyle and congratulate you on your thirty pound weight loss. That is awesome. The hardest part of my weight loss journey was realizing that the weight wasn’t coming off fast as I wanted it to. I learned the importance of diligence. If you remain committed to your fitness strategy it will definitely pay off in the end. You just have to give it time to work. I know you can do it. Good Luck and GOD Bless 🙂
Cherisse says
wExcellent job Qui…. was wodnering whats ur current weight?
Qui says
Thank you Cherisse,
When I started I was about 278. I think I was about 260 in the picture. I currently weigh 172. I was about 175 in the peach dress.
Tonya says
Keep up the good work Shuronda, you look awesome
Staffy says
I am so encouraged by your weight loss. You’ve re-ignited my will to make it happen! You looking good girly!Thanks for sharing!
Qui says
Thank you very much Staffy. Much success to you and your journey. 🙂
EB says
Wooow u look nice .I lose 27 lbs now its hard to lose more I been trying . I was 285 now I’m 258 . I’m getting mad I can’t lose help me out Qui
Qui says
Don’t get mad EB. What are you eating? I believe I mentioned in a previous response that 75-80% of your fitness journey is your diet. If you are eating the same things your body will reach a plateau. Try to mix it up. If you are mixing up the diet, then try to turn up the intensity of your workouts. The human body is very smart and it will familiarize itself to your routine quickly. Muscle confusion and diet confusion should help. Good Luck 🙂
Cherron says
Girl you look absolutely amazing, i am proud of you and don’t know you personally. I have been trying to give up the white stuff for the longest but i know that with a little more effort i can.
Qui says
LOL yes I understand…ALL of the food that taste good has the white stuff in it but you have to change the way you eat in order to ignite your diet. It was a tough transition for about the first month but after that it became easier. Good Luck
tai says
Your story is so encouraging. But when you are stating so far away from normal the odds seem insurmountable! I’m currently 368 pounds and have changed my diet several times and still keep getting bigger. I’m beginning to feel my genetics are cursed. Doesn’t seem like there’s any hopeleft for me at this point. I don’t know where to begin? Or if its even worth it….
Qui says
I once heard Bishop T.D. Jakes say “you have to change the way you think, in order to change the direction in which you are going.” With that being said weight loss is not just physical it is mental as well. You have to be mentally fit in order to tackle your weight loss journey ahead of you. You also need to get to the root of why you gained the weight. Don’t give up hope. Tomorrow is a new day so start tomorrow. Start thinking positively, set small goals for yourself and eventually you will reach your goal. It just take perseverance, determination and optimism. Good Luck on your journey.
Jackie says
Thanks for your story and encouragement. I give God the Glory. H
Jackie says
To finish what I started. He has been so good and I am thankful for the journey and wonderful people like you. Peace and Blessings!!!
Nicole says
hey…which turbo jam dvd did you get?
Qui says
The initial DVD program. I believe Chalene has different versions now.
Sophie says
You look great! Congratulations and thanks for sharing and motivating.
Qui says
Thank you for the love and support 🙂
Annie Kanae says
Hola! I’ve been following your website for some time now and finally
got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Houston
Tx! Just wanted to mention keep up the fantastic work!
Angela Pettaway says
Great job you are an inspiration to others