Transformation of the Day: Porscha lost 145 pounds. This professional chef realized that she had a food addiction, so she took steps that we would typically associate with rehab. She has since transitioned to an Alkaline vegan diet. Check out her journey.
My name is Porscha, and I am a professional chef. I’m 31 years old, and my height is 5’9″. My starting weight was around 389 pounds. I currently weigh 244 pounds.
It’s taken me about 2 years to lose the weight. It is kind of hard to pinpoint when I started this journey because, like many others, I started, fell off and started again. This pattern went on for a couple of years, the most recent try things really stuck because I had a few lessons and tools under my belt.
I believe I had an addiction to food, so I had to use the kind of steps they use in rehab. One of which is to detox and go cold turkey. The other was to get in therapy. In my case, I was my own therapist. That means I started to ask myself why all the time.
- Why am I depressed?
- When do I do the most smacking?
- Do I eat when I’m anxious or upset?
My childhood was full of chaos, and naturally, I developed coping mechanisms. The main one was to eat and eat. Once I realized why I was eating, I had to take a trip to forgiveness town and leave behind some significant baggage. I had to let it all go to find me. Learning and understanding that the power to do all things lives inside of me already helped me to power thru with my vision.
Soon, junk food wasn’t a temptation for me because I eliminated it from my system. I went cold turkey. No junk food and no sugar. Eventually, I adopted a Vegan diet, and soon after that, I chose an Alkaline diet. As a Chef, I’m fascinated with flavor, but also with the components of ingredients.
I workout at least 6 days a week. When I first started, it was all cardio. Now I do strength/resistance training, as well as boxing. I want to get into heavy weight lifting soon.
This journey has been more of a spiritual journey than a physical one for me. Yes, the weight loss is incredible, but my soul experiencing happiness has been the greatest reward of it all. This is just the beginning for me. I plan to always be involved in health and fitness.
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