Weight Loss Story: Paulique lost 90.2 pounds. She made loving what she saw when she looked in the mirror a priority. A great trainer and a transformation contest gave her the motivation to change and her hard work has paid off. Here is what she shared with us about her weight release journey…
What was my motivation?
I was motivated wanting to look in the mirror and love what I saw. I would cry when I saw that I was losing so much control over my body. I started to only see my face and neglected the rest of me until one day just I couldn’t take it no longer. I knew that I wanted to look at all of me and love every pound, scar, bruise and all the wear and tear. I needed to start loving me. That is when I said enough is enough!
What was my inspiration?
I started following Coach Wiltrina Jones for months before I actually joined her program. I said to myself, “Here is a godsend that actually knows what it takes to lose weight. At some point I have to stop watching and join in”. So, I did and that was the smartest move I ever made.
How did you change your eating habits?
I joined the Iusetobeu.com transformation contest (Paulique won!) that gave us customized meal plans for every two weeks. I followed the plan to a “T”. We ate every 2.5 hours and it was really something to get use to doing that, but it worked. Our meal plan consisted of lean meats, veggies and good carbs. Coach Wiltrina makes the meal plans realistic for our everyday lives and that makes it easier to follow.
What did you do for exercise?
I work out 5-6 days a week doing cardio, strength training and weight training. Our coach encourages us to lift weights as part of our workouts and it does wonders for my body.
Weight Loss: My starting weight was a whooping 391.2 pounds. I now weigh 301 pounds and I’m trying my hardest to get under 300 lbs. I am 5 feet 6 inches tall. When I first started my body measurements, the measurement around my waist was the same as my height. Now, my waist is 48 inches.
How long did your transformation take?
I’m still transforming, but I have been under Coach Wiltrina’s guidance for 30 weeks. It’s taken me a little over 7 months total.
What is your advice for others who want to lose weight?
Trust and believe in yourself. When you make your mind up that this lifestyle is what you want, give it your all. There will be bumps and road blocks that may get in the way, but try to figure out how to get around or over them without losing sight of the finish line. Nothing in life comes easy, but hard work makes it all worth it. Faith + Perseverance = SUCCESS
Paulique’s Coach: www.iusetobeu.com
Suzanna Alridge says
Great job lady..when you have time could you email me please…I have a few questions if you don’t mind, that could help me on my weight lose journey…