Today’s featured success story: Natasha lost more than 25 pounds. She stopped weighing herself and threw out her scale after she lost 25 pounds. She is focused on non-scale victories. Love that.

Here is what she had to say:
“I wanted to share my success photo with you. I was hesitant in sharing because unlike most of the ladies I don’t know how much weight I have lost. I was always advised to throw the scale out of my house because it would become discouraging at times during my journey and I did not want any set backs.
I started this journey the earlier part of this year. After a visit to the doctor and him telling me that I was in the early stages of becoming a diabetic, for some reason that sounded like a death sentence in my ears. From that point on, after much prayer, I embraced this healthy lifestyle journey of eating better and exercises…my motto was move more and eat less. I did this with NO weight loss surgery…only the power of prayer. I’m one to get bored easy so I would change up my recreation periodically with things such as Insanity, Group Training, Racquetball, etc. I also would count my calories through because I don’t like the restrictions of eating just certain foods. I cut out sugary drinks because I refused to DRINK my daily caloric intake.
The journey has not been easy, but it has been very rewarding. If I could encourage, motivate, and/or uplift anyone through this journey I have made myself available to do so for I also know how much support from those embarking the same journey as you helps along the way. Always remember, with GOD all things are possible!! xoxoxo #teamfit”
Phyllis Davis says
She looks good and I will not weigh myself. I will say that the scale will make you feel real bad at times.
Natasha Brown says
Thank you everyone for leaving such sweet comments, it warms my heart to reach each and everyone and motivates me even the more on this lifetime journey. I couldn’t address each of your comments individually, sorry. I did want to say to Alisha Tynes that its said that it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Don’t judge by numbers…go by how you feel and how your clothing fits. God bless you all!
T. Stewart says
U look wonderful, congratulations! I love my fitnessal,I have been lossing also, can u tell me what exercise did u do for your lower stomach?
Anissa Poole says
T Stewart.I’m on my fitness pal wud u add me on as your friend and let’s motivate each other.I’m anissapoole69 🙂
Anissa Poole says
You look amazing Natasha.I jst started the myfitnesspal now two weeks and I’ve losted 10.4 lbs.:) I have a long journey ahead of me but I’m determined and MOTIVATED!!! Could you add me as your friend ? I’m anissapoole69 on my fitness pal
Jennifer Le'Shun Maxwell says
You look Fabulous!! You are my 2013″ Motivator!!!
thanks for sharing your story and by the way if no one else told you ,YOU LOOK GREAT !!!!!
Marla says
Natasha, you look fantastic. I agree with Phyllis Davis, the scale can make you feel bad. At least it made me feel bad. That’s the reason I had to drop out of weight watchers. The lack of weight loss and gain had me devastated. Since I left the program, I began losing.
Thanks for the inspiration Natasha. You’ve added to my hope bucket.
LaShawn A says
Congrats Natasha! Throwing out ur scale was a smart move. I cannot tell u how many set back I have had weighing myself on a regular basis. As long as u eat right(along with portion control) and exercise u will see results! That darn scale can be so misleading at time.instead now I just measure my success with how my cloths are fitting oppose to a number! God Bless and continue to be a motivational success!
LaShawn~ Chicago, IL
Ronda Lott says
You look awesome
alisha tynes says
hello natasha,
I have the scale problem. I literally get on the scale twice daily, like I am going to see results. I have been discouraged many times during my weightloss journey. if you could give me some advice I will be glad to take it. I have also been discouraged by not seeing the proof after I kniw I have lost about 10 pounds. my friends say since I have so much to.loose that it may take a while for me to.actually see results. ince again any advice will be appreciated.
thank you,
alisha tynes
Sharita says
You look AMAZING!!!!!!! Thank you for the motivation 😉
Janice says
Thanks for the motivation. You look amazing. Time for me to stop procrastinating and just make it happen.
Mz Silky says
Thats what Im talking about w/o surgery looking goo, im on my way too with prayer I can do all things theough Chriat who strengthens me.
Sherian Greaves says
You look great and I pray that I can get to that point in life that I can move forward in loosing weight. I really need some motivation and someone to whip me into shape. Congrats!!!
Deloris says
I am having a hard time getting motivated, I want to get the weight off. I start and then lose interest. U Look Great!!! Stay Blessed
Karen Haggins says
In my opinion ,you look FABULOUS darling!!!! But unfortunately,like me,I had to get “The Blade”(surgery)and I’m still proud of myself! cause you can regain every bit of your weight back if you don’t stick to the diet and exercise. I have lost over a 145lbs and feel good about it! I must say that I’m more energetic and my depression has decreased. And I owe all to GOD!!!! I thank you for encouraging us all! Keep up the good work that God has stored in you my sister!!!:)Be Bless.
Tracey says
Hello I also wanted to loose weight ,I tried doing it on my own I was not getting any where with that. I had decided to have the surgery. It have been a year for me . I’ve lost 122. I want to loose 50more pounds.I feel so much better,ihave know regrets.
Mindy says
Congratulations!! you look absolutely wonderful. I needed this motivation because I yo-yo diet and I lose momentum when I get on the scale and don’t see any change or very little change. I may try the “no scale” approach myself. I believe God will bless me with the weight loss and I pray to him every day thanking him for the focus. Thank you for sharing your story & pic. Beautiful!! God bless!!
Priscilla Smith-Onakoya says
Congrats lady! yes thru Christ all things are possible and you have helped me remember that. You look amazing and i am looking forward to my journey as well. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Berlinda Ramirez says
Congratulations, I am planning and just started a cleansing program for 10 days. Will be taking a bootcamp class in January to stay motivated. I think having a scale can damper your mood. I will be putting the scale I have at home away so that I don’t keep weighting myself almost daily.
Monica says
This is great. Thanks so much for sharing this story. Truly, the stories are what continue to drive and motivate so many more women. God Bless!!!
Tamara Walker says
First I want to say you look absolutely fabulous!!! Next thank you for your story. I feel so motivated by your story. I just had a breast reduction & with that weight off my chest I’m so excited to get out there and exercise. I’ve never been a physically active person because it hurt so much. I can’t wait to start moving so that I may be a blessing to others as you were to me. I pray that you receive all the blessings you can handle-_-!!!!
nicole says
You go Natasha! Great job you look awesome. I have a love /hate relationship with my scale. Its hard but i try to stay off of it. I used to weight myself everyday until i lost over 50 lbs but i got comfortable sand i gained a little back so now i do weight myself but not everyday. It is a journey. I started eating clean again and working out more.
Shirley says
Congrats on becoming healthy and losing weight. You look amazing!!! Thanks for the motivation!! Love the boots!!!
NIKKI says
Dorothy Taylor says
I thank you for sharing your weight lost story. I am having such a hard time losing. This has encourage me to try a little harder for a weight lost to happen. God Bless you.
Satin Boykin says
You give me inspiration to press!
Natasha Collins says
Great job!
Erika Cunningham says
You look AMAZING~ And you’re absolutely right about the scale being discouraging~ AAAGGGH that is one of my hang ups THE SCALE~ N not dropping sizes in my pants!! I am going to stay consistent in prayer and switch up things as well~ Thank you for sharing your successful lifestyle change`
Anissa Poole says
If any of you are on my fitness pal add me on as your friend .we can all be motivated to loose weight. I’m anissapoole69….
Venetta Brown says
Congrats! You look great.
I am encourged, I’m starting my weight loss now. Yes, before the holiday.
Patricia hutchinson says
You look beautiful, and amazeing, congratuation on the wieght loss, you look happy and free,
after the holidays, I will be working on my weight, pray for me,
Larissa Dayana Jean says
Tasha!!! I am SO proud of you! Your story is such an inspiration to women; being healthy is the most imporant thing. Sis, you look beautiful!!! God is so faithful and I’m so glad to see all that He is doing in your life. To God be glory!!
Much love,
Natasha Brown says
Thank you so much Reese Pieces!!!! Yes, to GOD be the Glory!
ms.mobley says
Congrats to you my sister!!!…wish I could do it I try and try,I dont know what to do…but kudos to you!!
Debra Ann says
I am so proud of your success. God bless you and thanks so much for sharing. You look dazzling ! Keep up the good work.
Cherron says
Diva you look amazing
Jackie says
First of all I want to say it is wonderful to see women giving God the Glory!! You look amazing. I appreciate your story. Peace and Blessings to you!!!
tracie thompson says
God is so Good without him im lost, I give him all the Glory.. Moma you look wonderful…. Keep it up…
Natasha Brown says
Thanks everyone 🙂
Myisha says
I would love for to be friends with u guys on myfitnesspal. I’m mizzbutter