Today’s featured weight loss before and after story: Nakia lost 43 pounds with regular exercise, the Insanity program and by eliminating a number of things from her diet. Here is what she shared with us:
Hi! Tomorrow is my one year anniversary and I would like to share my journey on your page.
I started my “get fit” lifestyle change journey on July 2, 2012. I was blessed to see a picture of Nakeisha of Fit 4 Life Sisters’s transformation and it motivated me instantly. I started that day with eliminating soda, sweets, fried and processed foods from my diet. I only drink water daily anywhere from 80-100 ozs. I began Insanity and was able to complete the first 6 weeks. I later joined the gym where I started the Arc trainer and treadmill. I eventually added weights for toning and running on the treadmill. This year I have accomplished finishing the whole Insanity program and I am now able to run at least 4 miles outdoors in 45 minutes. I’m 43 pounds down and feeling FITABULOUS!! My beginning weight was 220 pounds I am currently 177 pounds. My goal weight is to be between 155-160 lbs!! Yes, I am still under construction and will be for the rest of my life as this is a lifestyle change and not a temporary progress. Keep your head up sisters and keep pressing forward we all can accomplish our goals and dreams!!! I am a FIT4LIFESISTER!!!
Lisa says
You look amazing! Congrats on your lifestyle change. As I am reading your story, I have begun my own transformation just two days ago. I am making myself a priority!!!
Much success to you as you move closer to your goal!
Stay healthy & happy
Many blessings!
Nakia says
Thanks a million!!! I wish you much success on your journey!!! You can do it 🙂
slowasitgoes says
Congrats Miss,
I have similar body type. How tall are you.
Nakia says
Thank you so much. I am 5’5.
sheila carmichael says
Great job, you look great!!!!
Nakia says
Thank you so much 🙂
Tracy Knight says
Nakia, you are my “SHERO”! I’m extremely proud of you. Me & Mel have been watching your process & progress and we too have been on a Fit for life journey. Thanks for the motivation girl! Keep it up!
Mojomei (Tracy) says
Congrats on your journey. You are my “SHERO”! Melissa and I have been folllowing your journey and you have been such an inspiration. You have inspried us to step our game and really get serious about this lifestyle change. I have currently lost 47 pounds & Mel’s heart doctor has taken her off many of her medications. We still have a log way to go but watching you, I know we can do it. Keep up the great work and keep being an inspiration to us all. You Go Girl!!
Nakia says
Awwww thank you Tracy!! You and Mel hang in there. So proud of you both. I hope that you guys can come visit soon! Miss ya much~