Today’s featured weight loss success story: Michelle lost 90 pounds by making simple changes.
Here is what Michelle had to say about her weight loss journey on her BWLW community blog page:
“Down 90 pounds in less than two years. Making simple changes made a big difference in my life. I’ve always been happy with myself and my size which I count as a true blessing. Even now, as I look at older and more recent pictures, I can definitely see the physical changes, but I still just see me. I never had an “A-ha” moment. I didn’t really have a drive to lose weight at all. I did realize that I had gained weight since college, but I just would buy a new outfit and that was that. A couple of years ago, I noticed that my younger sister was eating differently and working out more. I had seen her losing weight, but initially, I didn’t think too much of it. I inquired one day as to what she was doing and she simply said, “eating smaller meals and walking”. “Hmmm”, I thought, “that sounded simple enough” so I said “why not” and gave it a try. I limited my meals to breakfast, lunch and dinner each day at 400 calories each and eaten every 4 hours. I didn’t cut anything out of my diet, except for the extra calories. I also started walking EVERY day for just 15 minutes. And that was it! Simple.
As I became more comfortable, I increased my walking time to 30 mins a day and started being more selective of the foods I ate. I also started weighing myself once a week and keeping track of the progress. I was noticing 3 and 4 pounds coming off EVERY week and this was keeping me motivated! I eventually starting walking a total of an hour every day (rain or shine), lifting moderate weights and incorporating lots more vegetables with the help of “Meatless Mondays”. I started trying new foods and realizing that there were so many healthy choices to be made. I’ve lost a total of 90 pounds since November of 2010 and I am amazed on how those few small changes in my life made such a tremendous difference!”
Gloria T says
Thank you for showing us how simple it can be!
Cherie Durrett says
Tammy Stewart says
CONGRATULATIONS, Thank you for your motivational story.
Goddess says
This is amazing im now motivated to get up and walk a lil each day I have been so lazy because I hate walking alone but forget it lol i can do a lil each day. Congrats on your success!!
Michelle Nicole says
Yes, you can!!!
Brayonna says
Hey now get it girl!!!! Looking good!!!
Kim says
Congrats! You look great on both pictures.
Raquel says
Congratulations! if you don’t mind me asking, WHAT did you eat for the 4 meals a day. I’m trying w/ the family to eat healthy, but sometimes we still have to fall back on processed lunch meats and canned soup. I am sooo proud of you. You were gorgeous THEN and you are gorgeous NOW!
Michelle Nicole says
Thank you Raquel! Initially, I ate all the same foods as I did before…I just ate less of it. I didn’t restrict my food at all, I just ate only 400 calories for my 3 meals a day. I’m on the go so fast food was/is still there. So for example, if I went to McDonald’s, 400 calories would be a cheeseburger and 1/2 a small bag of fries….that’s it! I didn’t try to both cut calories AND eat healthier…for me it was too much. I just wanted to take one or two steps at a time.
My advice would be to find one or two things to incorporate into your lives now and gradually work in more over time. So maybe, continue with the processed meats for now, but just watch the serving size and use mustard instead of mayo. Or have a family play day once a week to get you all more active together.
thenecia murray says
OMG you look good i want to loose weight and i think i will start like you did thks so much
Marlene Hairston says
Thanks for ur story!!!!
Leah says
I am so happy for you!!! Simple steps to a healthier lifestyle…you are my inspiration!! Thank you!!
Brenae says
Awesome testimony!!!!! I’m on the same journey(again) and I hope the weight comes off, I’m already getting frustrated but I WILL NOT give up!
S. White says
I am Simply amazed at what just a little change will do , If you just get up and do it. I need to lose weight, but i really dont like going to the gym, so reading your story is very encouraging. YOU look Great!
Michelle Nicole says
I didn’t step into a gym at all! I do have some weights at home so that I can work on my arms, but I found that walking is fabulous for toning your legs!! Start today! 5, 10 minutes…whatever you can commit yourself to…and keep it up!
Jean Brunner says
I am going to do the same thing, because I need to lose about 90-100 lbs. You look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tyyonda says
You look amazing
Davina says
Inspirational 🙂
Danyale says
Congrats !!’ You look great!!
Amanda says
Congratulations on your success, trying to get motivated to get started on my journey.
Marie says
WOW!!!!! That is AB-SO-LUTE-LY amazing!!! I’ve been on a journey working out only twice week. You’ve inspired me to kick it up! Thanks for sharing the SIMPLICITY to a healthier me! Oh and by the way, you love AWESOME….simply GOR’JUS!!!
Marie says
(typo)^^^you “look” AWESOME
Tracey says
You are my inspiration!
Sandie says
You look awesome….Congtatulations on your weight loss!!!!
eda says
wow you look great im starting my weight loss journey and its so hard to stay away from foods that everyone else eats and even harder to workout and stay motivated. I tried running and within 2minutes of it my feet were in total pain.I couldn’t do anymore but I’m really trying and seeing your success helps me a lot. if you have any advice for me please message me on my facebook page eda awagu. thanks.
Michelle Nicole says
Hi Eda and thank you! I would start with walking and work in a minute or two of jogging every other day. But commit yourself to walking everyday. It’s low-impact cardio and really does work! Running is good, but can be very hard on the body, especially the knee joints.
As far as eating, I still ate all the same foods as I did before…I just ate less of it. I didn’t try to both cut calories AND eat healthier…for me it was too much. I just wanted to take one or two steps at a time. Then, over time, you can cut the “bad” things out as you see fit.
But don’t torture yourself! Having a little treat every now and then is okay. A little pain here and there can be expected, but you want to do this for the long haul, so it’s gotta be a plan you can stick with!!
Kitty says
This is awesome! You look wonderful. I am encouraged even the more.
Tracey Murray says
God bless you look amazing…
Juliet Bouldin says
Girl you looking good!! I have about 50pounds to lose I know I can do it with the help of the most high God and just like you said rain, sleet or snow working out should be a priorty and choosing right foods and portion control. Thanks a lot.
Nycole W. says
Congrats! You’re beautiful in both pics & great motivation for me!!
Denise L. says
Congrats on your success! I’m going to incorporate the Meatless Monday’s into my meal plan.
Tammi W. says
Congratulations on your amazing success! I just began my journey seriously yesterday after leaving my doctors office. Needing all of the encouragement I can get as I work on losing 40 pounds!
zeenat says
Wow what a great job . You made such a great progress in just 2 years and you motivate so many people with your story . Keep up the great work . Please continue to work on your health and at last but not least congratulations with this amazing succes. 🙂
D. Jackson says
Awesome job! Congratulations on your weight loss you look amazing!
kiki says
You look great! What is your before and after weight?
Michelle Nicole says
Hi Kiki,
This is waaaaaaay late, but my before weight was 309 and my after weight is 216.
Debra says
You look fantastic. Thanks so much for your story. I have started eating 6 small meals a day(including healthy snacks). I will take it one day at a time. You have really inspired me. Thanks
Kat says
Michelle you are soooo dope! You definitely were one of my BIGGEST motivations when i started my weight loss journey….it’s so good to see someone who once looked like me, look like someone i want to look like 🙂 Keep going, and keep GROWING…but shrinking all the while 😉 I love you girl!