Two Years Later – 2016 Update – Marsainah lost 10 more pounds for a total lost of 64 pounds.
At 22, I was told that I was pre-diabetic and that my weight was a big contributor. The doctor gave me two options; lose the weight or get on medication. Since diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer ran heavily in my family, I decided to take control of my life. The whole process took about 5 months of heavy dieting, discipline, exercising, and having the determination to “win” my life over. I’ve lost a total of 64 pounds. I worked out 7 days a week mainly, focusing on weightlifting! Weights are our friends! Now, I maintain my weight by working out 6 days a week, not eating pork and detoxing my body regularly. Currently, I’m weighing in at 160 pounds (height: 5’4″).
Update Sept 2014: Marsainah sent in updated photos and she has been truly dedicated to her lifestyle change. She’s lost another 10 lbs. All I can say is ABS! She says, “Since last year I’ve lost 15% body fat by adding weight lifting to my workout routine. I’ve also lost 10 more pounds with a steady diet and a balance of my body’s needs.”

April 2013: Marsainah lost 54 pounds with calorie restriction and exercise. She was motivated to take action after being diagnosed pre-diabetic . I asked her, “How did you lose the weight in terms of eating and exercise?” “Well, for the first month I went on a VERY STRICT reduced calorie diet (1000 calories). I ate a lot of healthy salads, water, and yogurt. At 22, I was told that I was pre-diabetic and that my weight was a big contributor. Since diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer ran heavily in my family, I decided to take control of my life. The whole process took about 5 months of heavy dieting, discipline, and exercising. I lost a total of 54 pounds. I worked out 7 days a week mainly focusing on cardio. Now, I maintain my weight by working out 6 days a week, not eating red meat, and getting regular colonic cleanses.”
lagura wolfe says
Starletta C.James says
I really wanna try dis trainer wants to lose atleast 100pounds….
Shaquana says
Thank you I really needed to see and read this beautiful transformation, I have the same issues going on with me. I am going to make a change. . Thank you! And congrats
nicholelevels says
what r those cleaner n how u go bout getting them
Tara says
Thank you for sharing I really needed to hear and see that hard work will pay off.
monique says
what is a colonic cleanse?
sugarrush says
It is almost like an enema but takes about 30 mins I got one at a holistic centre a few years ago.
Dana says
Great Job!!