We started 2015 with a Bang by Eating Clean for 31 Days for our January 2015 Challenge. In February, we’ve focused on drinking water to stay hydrated and letting go of sugary drinks and diet drinks. We also had some great DietBets which we will be doing every month since participants have lost over 2000+ pounds combined. Now that we’ve cleaned up our eating and drinking habits, it is time to focus on EXERCISE! This month we want to see your exercise photos and hear all about your workouts. Post with our hashtag, #BWLWMar, so that we can follow your social media posts.
We will also be hosting another DietBet in March starting on March 10th! Join the pool for just $30 and Lose to Win a part of the total pot. (Photo Weigh-in Mar 8-9, 2015) Get all of the details today and join us.
Burn Calories Daily with our Exercise Calendar
Are you read for our Daily Calorie Burn Challenge for March!!! To join us, all you have to do is follow along with our exercise calendar. Download the Printable PDF – March Workout Calendar. (Tip: Some of you may need to right click on the link to save it depending on what system you are on.) I’ve included workout videos below for the moves you may not be familiar with.
It’s ok if you can’t get through all of the moves. Do the best you can. One Burpee is better than none. It’s also ok to cut the number of moves in half if you are just a beginner.
Disclaimer: Before starting any exercise program, please consult with your doctor. We cannot be held responsible for any injuries resulting from attempting this exercise routine. Do not participate if you have injuries that could be worsened, are pregnant, have knee issues, or are suffering neck and back pain. Don’t forget to stretch before and after working out to avoid injuries.
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What Should You Eat? We suggest that you keep eating clean or keep following the eating regime that has worked for you. Use our Clean Eating Foods list as a guide. Also, check out our ebook “Clean Eating for Weight Loss and Wellness“. |
How many times should I do the circuit listed for the day?
Do 1-2 sets of each circuit per day. The number of rounds you do will depend on your level of fitness.
How often should I rest during the workout?
Rest for 1-2 min between circuits. Break the exercises up and take rest when you need to. Go at your own pace. For example, you may need to break 70 crunches into 2 sets of 35 and take a 30 second to 1 minute break in between, that’s fine.
Is this the only workout you suggest I do for the month?
If this is going to be your main exercise plan for the month, I suggest that you couple these daily workout circuits with 30 minutes of additional cardio or some strength training 3-4 days per week. That could be running, walking or using an elliptical machine, arch trainer or stair master. You could also do strength training at home or in the gym. This plan is meant to go along with your existing workout plan for an extra boost. Don’t have access to a gym? Grab a workout DVD or find a workout on YouTube that is at least 30 minutes long.
Exercise Instruction Videos for Moves You May Not Be Familiar With:
Mt. climbers (Mountain climbers)
High Knees
Jump Squats
Wall Sit
Modified Burpees
jacque says
How can these exercises from the challenge be modified for people with weak or bad knees
Lana says
Hi Jacque, I have the same issue; weak knees. I have to get cortisone shots in the knees about 2-3 times per year 🙁 Anyhoo, what I’ve found to work for modifications is my own body telling me how to modify. I don’t jump as hard, as high, or as fast if my knees hurt. I find that comfortable spot and if the exercise takes a bit longer to do, so be it. I hope this helps 🙂
Jo says
Do I have to join dietbet I would like to do this?
Ajima Jackson says
Hi Jo, you don’t have to join the DietBet. It’s your choice. 🙂
Richie says
I am in
Toni Martin says
I am in with the workout challenge and eating
Kiera says
How can I gain fat in my hips and butt? Or is this even possible?
Ajima Jackson says
Where your body stores fat is a matter of genetics, so it would depend on that…but if you can fat in those places you could gain in other areas at the same time (arms, stomach, etc). You can workout and see if you gain definition by muscle toning and loss of fat (if you have extra fat).
Ebony says
Yay! I completed the first week!
Ajima Jackson says
I’m going to try, I very tired of being overweight, If I could lose about 60 pounds, I would be at my ideal weight……anyone have suggestions for me.
stomach weight and arms is my biggest problems
Andrea says
Hello Ladies
I’m a single mom of 4 kids an I need help trying to motivate myself to get healthy
Not just for me but for my kids and I find it hard with time management
Some of the exersice are hard to do so how do I start please share any motivation
To help me……thanks
Eve says
Hi Andrea,
A trick that works well is getting up early before the demands of your day begin. Depending on the ages of your children, you can “play” (exercise) when they do! Best of luck to you. You can do it.
Javonte says
Hi Andrea, I hope you succeed… It’s a problem very common between us. Good Luck 🙂
Jeanine Macklin says
will there be an April 2015 Challenge calendar? If so, I’d love to get in on it! Please post or email me! Thank you!
bridget says
email me april challenge
Arnetta Peghee says
Just discovered this site. Wanting to lose weight. Also interested if there is an April challenge.
Maisha says
May I please have your April calendar.
Ajima Jackson says
Link to April Calendar: http://www.blackweightlosssuccess.com/april-2015-challenge-plant-based-and-moving-it/
Elle says
I have completed 29 days of the March challenge so far. I used to be able to post my daily results, comment and like posts. Is there a reason the feature is no longer available? I enjoy giving kudos on the weightloss and ageing my own steps in being more healthy.