Weight Loss Story: Our BWLW sista in South Africa Loraine lost 67 pounds. After a red carpet photo wakeup call, she decided that it was time to release the pounds. She got a dietician and hit the gym. Here is what she shared with us about her journey…
Name: Loraine G.
South Africa
Age 26
Started October 5, 2014

I’m not saying that I didn’t know that I had weight issues. The truth is far from that. I have never been a small person but this was my breaking point. All it took was just a picture of me on the red carpet, the picture of me on the right. I knew I was bigger than this when I was pregnant with my son, but that was 5 years ago. Since then, I had time the time to work on my body but instead I used the “I’m ok.” lie. That was until that picture landed on Facebook and everyone commented telling me I looked beautiful. However, all I could see was how far I had let myself go. That’s when I began my getting myself back on track with my weight loss journey.
So, I went home and one thing I knew was that I had been on a number of “get slim quick” fad diets. I would lose pounds and then gain it all back…and double this time. I thought to myself, “This time, do it right.” I had to change my mind set, so I went looking for a dietitian. That’s the best investment one can ever do for themselves. I knew that I didn’t really know anything about eating, clearly, since I was gaining weight at an amazing rate.
On October 5th, I started with my new eating plan in hand, a new scale and an open mind. I knew that it wasn’t going to happen overnight and I wasn’t going to see the results I needed to unless I trusted the process. Truly speaking, the cutting out of the junk food was the easy part. It was my relationship with the gym tha I couldn’t really seem to handle. I was overweight, very self conscious and I knew that I was very out of shape. I looked up going to the gym for dummies, went to instagram and I googled lots of information. That’s when I realized that everyone had to start somewhere and that if you ask for help there are loads of people who are willing and happy to help. I would walk on the treadmill regularly and every day it got better. Soon I found that I enjoyed lifting weights, spinning and doing Zumba in the comfort of my own home.
Very day it gets better. In all honesty, I’m still not a fan of the gym but I know two things; I love how I feel when I finish my work out and that I love seeing the results. I push all the demons out of my head, turn up my gym music and I push myself. I also listen to that voice that tells me I can push through this last set, and I always smile at the end of it. I have to remember how those jeans didn’t fit any more. I remember how it feels every time you go a size down and the compliments come your way.
I started at 122 kgs (269 pounds) to and I am now at 92 kgs (202 pounds). I’m 1.57 meters (5 feet tall) and my goal weight is 80- 85 kgs (176-187 lbs). I’m still pushing, but I’m not trying to look like anyone in particular. I just want to feel happy about my body because every curve and every little imperfection is perfect. I’m grateful that my body never gave up on me. At one time I didn’t know how to respect it. This is the house I have been given to leave in and I love it. Even though I take some off days, I know I’m not where I started in October 2014. My advice: Start off small. Progress is created by efforts repeated daily. Action leads to results. Figure out what works for you and don’t lie to yourself. There is no easy way out. If you put the in the work you will get the results.
Instagram: @misslolowood
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