Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Lisa lost 112 pounds. This petite mom wanted to be a healthier example for her children, so she took action by changing her eating habits and exercising. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey…
I officially started my journey in February of 2012. At the time, I weighed 277 pounds (5’3″ tall). My current weight is 165 pounds. My motivation was looking in the mirror and not being with happy with the person staring back at me. I knew that I owed it to myself and my children to treat my body better than I was treating it. I also wanted to set a healthy example for my kids.
I started out by cutting back on carbs and fried foods. Then, I added lots of fruits and vegetables to my diet. I also cut out all beverages except milk and started drinking lots of water. When I initially started, my only form of exercise was walking. I walked on my breaks at work and after dinner around my neighborhood, five to six days a week. After about a year, I was down 70 lbs, but then I hit a plateau. In February of last year I joined the gym and incorporated weight training into my routine. The rest of the weight came off after that. Not to mention that I toned up, have added definition in some areas and have accentuated my curves. Ladies, don’t be afraid to lift!
My advice to others is that anything is possible if you believe in yourself. You’ve got to want to make a change and stick with it. You’ll have bad days, but I guarantee that the good will outweigh the bad. Don’t beat yourself up too bad on those bad days because you are human. As long as you pick yourself up and keep pushing, that is all that matters.
If you are interested, you can follow my journey on Instagram: @fit_ariez510
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