Weight Loss Story: Lindsey lost 34 pounds. Her weight had been an issue since childhood. She used eating for comfort and ate to sooth her emotions, depression and boredom. Here is what she shared with us about the actions she took to change her life…

Wouldn’t you know, around this time last year I was in a depression. During this time, all I did was eat my feelings. I ate because I was bored. I ate because I was lonely and ate just because eating filled all the voids in my life. Soon, I found myself so unhappy and disgusted with myself.
I wanted to take my tax money and have my best friend @bjhughes31 and my brother @mfisher1008 go with me to have liposuction in Missouri. However, I googled about the procedure and scared myself out of it. Then, I went as far as wanting to try powder (as in cocaine) to loose the weight. Once again, Jill and Marcus talked me out of it and said that it was the dumbest move I ever could have considered making.
So, I decided to start walking and that was going great, except for fact that I was still eating like a pig! Finally, I decided that the only thing that was going to help me lose weight was EATING RIGHT AND EXERCISING. Little by little, I began noticing small changes that would led to my breakthrough.
I have gone from 229 pounds to 195 pounds in 6 months by eating Weight Watchers meals through the week, and whatever I wanted through the weekend. I have cut all soda pop out and drink water faithfully throughout the day. The only exercising I do is walking. Eventually, I need to tone, but walking has got me this far. I have earned this victory fair and square and I am so damn proud of myself. Thank you Jesus for being the wind beneath my wings. #BLESSED
Instagram: @4pagel3tt3r
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